hmm this is interesting. The pack looks likes as if it had 4 box compartments and with the individual troopers wearing the pack their kits are different though the basic design of the pack is simular. so with that basic body you could have a free rain of variations(shovel, pouchs, detenators, tubes, cable, ect). I might try my hand at the pack when I get back from my honeymoon. I've been meaning to play around with crafting ABS for some time. this may be simple and fun enough to do so with liberty of errors. (took a second look and what do you know! those heavy wearpons troopers are wearing something damn simular to the destroyer engineers packs.)
The hardest part I can see for this build is the boots. Gloves are standard officer wear, short leather gloves with 2 lines down the back. Jumpsuit( yes I'm bias and its what I have on hand ) looks like the black flight suit. Pouchs the black fabric MP 40 Though leather would work too. you might get away with leather pouchs that MEPD have as well. That chest pouch they have is driving me insane. I'm unsure of it's origins but as I can see Darthpinpin found something that works nicely. Helmet is a simple version of the At-st driver with out the com-box. belt and this is the last thing I'm going to attempt to identify tonight looks like a heavy tactical belt I can find at any surplus store.