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  1. So yeah with that car repair and the bill from my honeymoon ( we spent what where????) . It probably wont be until next year for me to get this one started.
  2. so bad news for me is that I can't work on this. I just found out my car needs $1500 in repairs so I have no money to spare for costuming for the next several months. if anyone else wants to take up the torch it's theirs.
  3. Helmet: AT-ST Drive helmet in black with out com or Back greeby. With standard AT-ST Driver Goggles Jumpsuit: Black Tie jumpsuit Belt: - standard issue military Webbing belt with plastic buckle or a belt made of thick 2 inch wide webbing with plastic buckle - suspenders made of 2 inch webbing to be worn with the belt in an H style suspender harness with the cross strap at the mid back Pouchs: 2 - MP-40 pouchs to be worn on the belt on either side of the buckle made of either leather or canvus 2- small MP-40 utility pouchs to be worn on opposite sides of the buckle 1 large canvus pouch to be worn at the chest on either the backpack straps or suspenders Gloves: short leather gloves with a leather square on the back ( or for convience short leather gloves with 3 sticking stripes down the back) Boots: Caff high leather boots with 3 straps ( though in the comic art I'm seeing one strap at the top of the boot) Backpack: backpack is constructed of 4 simular Geometric shapes with a tube on the top attached with 1 inch straps and possibly bottom. straps for the back pack shall be made with 1" to 1.5" inch webbing with padding for the areas over the shoulder (optional) Pouchs, shovel, Extra tubes(detonators), or accessories Blaster : E-11 I just updated my shopping list to hit home depo for 3-4inch tube with end caps. let me know if I missed anything guys. I know I didn't add the patchs for the jumpsuit because I am still going over that with a fine tooth comb (I may have to make a custome set of overalls)
  4. I can imagine the chaos of a squad going through a con.
  5. I have the DC awesome con this weekend but I'll be purchasing what I need for the pack. just need to find the boots and a helmet now. belt and pouchs should be relatively easy to locate. I got some guys in the military force's in my garrison so they may be able to help me locate the pouchs. Hell many of them go up on sale on the MEPD boards all the time. so for the pack I'll be hitting up home depo for the tubes to make the frame and possibley michaels for the poster board to mock up a pack before I hit grainger to get the ABS to Cut and Shape by hand. (no access to a vacuform or same such device.)
  6. Well back from my honeymoon and have a shopping list ready to start building a pack or 2 on a budget. I'm thinking somewhere around $30 - $40 bucks. And I'll have to thank the MEPD for their backpack frame tutorial.
  7. hmm this is interesting. The pack looks likes as if it had 4 box compartments and with the individual troopers wearing the pack their kits are different though the basic design of the pack is simular. so with that basic body you could have a free rain of variations(shovel, pouchs, detenators, tubes, cable, ect). I might try my hand at the pack when I get back from my honeymoon. I've been meaning to play around with crafting ABS for some time. this may be simple and fun enough to do so with liberty of errors. (took a second look and what do you know! those heavy wearpons troopers are wearing something damn simular to the destroyer engineers packs.) The hardest part I can see for this build is the boots. Gloves are standard officer wear, short leather gloves with 2 lines down the back. Jumpsuit( yes I'm bias and its what I have on hand ) looks like the black flight suit. Pouchs the black fabric MP 40 Though leather would work too. you might get away with leather pouchs that MEPD have as well. That chest pouch they have is driving me insane. I'm unsure of it's origins but as I can see Darthpinpin found something that works nicely. Helmet is a simple version of the At-st driver with out the com-box. belt and this is the last thing I'm going to attempt to identify tonight looks like a heavy tactical belt I can find at any surplus store.
  8. ok this might be something I can get in on. and I have alot of free time next week to really dive through those pictures to pick appart the costume and work through colors and parts. If thats alright with you Darthpinpin. This was your project first so I'd love to hear your thoughts an ideas on it. I'm never one to steal others ideas just expand on them if I can. -
  9. I can see this as a doable costume and as one approvable from the art work. The jumpsuit and pouchs are great, though I believe a unified color would be better. not trying to fix your project just seeing what you did. I've always wondered if there was a non armor variant ( sapper if you would) for the stormtroopers, a grunt for the empire. I'm glad someone found it! and if it ever does make the approval list I'd proudly wear it( for the detachment patch ) especially if it was in black.
  10. I'd love to see and progress thats being made on this. I know it's been awhile, I think this would be an awsome armor and a greate trump to the havoc.
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