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501st Retired[501st]
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Pool-Trooper last won the day on November 29 2015

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About Pool-Trooper

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    Great Lakes Garrison

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  1. Going to be fun making this trooper set. Wonder if we'll see more of it in the future.
  2. thanks! I have to thank the other garrison members for their help in getting it all set up
  3. I'd just like to say that I am now officially a member of the 501st Designation TX-60994
  4. I'll see what I can do, thanks for the help boss edit: I'm also going to work something out with FarAwayCreations in a sort of custom project/armor that people have been giving their thumbs up for in bringing to life...hopefully we can do a bang up job for that as well.
  5. WHat I've been doing is filling the pouches out with my camera, phone, and other stuff, it works wonders at cons because everything is right there. I'm actually thinking about getting a MonCal belt as well so I have a smaller scaled belt that doesn't have the plastic completely wrapping around me. Or do you all think that the current belt meets requirements at the time? Edit: For your viewing pleasure...Dr. Who cross over!
  6. Cummerbund has been dyed to be completely black....Here are the results of it....Helmet still has the original decals as I didn't get them till after I left for the con, and yeah I know...still need to add that holster on, gotta find the leather hole puncher I have cause I can't seem to find it. In comparison to pre-dye state, I do have to admit that while it does have some green still left to it when holding it at eye level, it does now look a lot more like it truly is a shade of black. Thoughts?
  7. I'm going Gloss Black, and gonna paint over it with a brush, instead of spraying it (unless it is a spray), and sand it as well. Course this will be done at the next armor party, since the current GML just wants me to dye my cummerbund black....and because it will be a while before I get them.
  8. Thought so, now where could I get a properly colored snout piece? Trooperbay as well or would I have to get one from KS, MonCal...or a group like that?
  9. Heh...your's has the exact same coloring as mine! Wait...YOU TOOK MINE! XP
  10. That would be trooperbay.com? And I presume I can remove the old decals via the age old recommendaed scratch remover (can't remember what it;s called) everyone loves?
  11. I'll add the holster as soon as possible, gonna send my GML the notes taken here as well, so he know's what you guys are saying too.
  12. SO the cummerbund is technically acceptable then, but it would probably be safer to dye it just a little bit then yeah? Also I presume I definitely need to put that holster on as well.
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