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DLT-19 ideas?

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I've seen a few ideas out there that might be beyond my capabilities currently. Does anyone know where one can score a DLT-19 an easy How-to for one?

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There is not really an easy "how to" with the DLT 19 I'd say becuase of the level of detail (if there was one i would of totally done it by now)

anyway here is a little help if you are planning to build one here is a blue print of how the MG34 is




for people that build their dlt19 you can try over at the Sandtrooper detachment http://forum.mepd.net/ see if there is any useful tidbit there you can pick up

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Thanks everyone. Some great ideas. I'm leaning toward the Cushman.

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  On 1/15/2012 at 3:01 PM, Griffin-X said:

I made a Cushman for around $70, but it took some time. You can see it here...




Did you have any difficulty getting your Cushman? The fellows over the MEPD seem to think he is unreliable. How was your experience?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm friends with a guy who makes and sells resin kits for this. They're not cheap, but they will be very accurate. He made the molds to my current E-11 His molds come off of actual parts (Sterlings, MG-34's ect...) He is a prominent member on the RPF. I can get you in touch with him. Let me know.

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Just on a side note for non-us, especially Canadian troopers ... Importing of prop weapons may be illegal in your country. So please be aware of any laws befor ordering.


For Canada specifically:

It is highly frowned upon by customs and the RCMP. I know of 2 cushman orders that were stopped at the boarder. Hyper firm will not sell to Canada.


The resin DLT-19's coming from Australia (if that is the ones BH is referring to) can be sent in 2 pieces and needed to to trimmed and painted (I believe they can also be sent fully finished). The unfinished resin versions have no problems at the Canadian boarder. It's an easy DIY job and you get to paint and weather your own blaster.


Sorry for the side note.

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Based on a couple of recommendations, I ordered a Cushman a month ago. Since then I have had difficulty getting email response from them aside from one email explaining that it would be a minimum of 8 weeks to receive my order. I had read numerous horror stories about Cushman taking 6 months to deliver product, and in some cases never delivering. Knowing that Paypal's dispute period is something like 6 weeks, I find this unacceptable. So currently I am trying to get my money back. After that, I'll be looking at some other options.



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  On 2/24/2012 at 11:22 AM, Blackhole said:

I'm friends with a guy who makes and sells resin kits for this. They're not cheap, but they will be very accurate. He made the molds to my current E-11 His molds come off of actual parts (Sterlings, MG-34's ect...) He is a prominent member on the RPF. I can get you in touch with him. Let me know.




I really didn't expect it to be too cheap so what kinda price are we talking about here along with a wait time? So this kit attaches to an unmodified e-11?


Also I keep seeing Cushman I have no idea what that is?

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  On 2/24/2012 at 4:23 PM, Griffin-X said:

Sorry Todd...I had a good experience with Ed Cushman and I am pleased with my DLT-19. I received my kit in less than 4 weeks. Have you called Ed or his wife directly?


I couldn't find a phone number on their site, and they didn't supply one via email.



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According to the main paintball site, Ed suffered a heart attack. I sent this via PM, but for anyone else who needs it:


Cushman Custom Creations

3962 Edgewood Street

Dearborn Heights, MI 48125-3224 map

Phone: (313) 359-2769

Email: cushmanpaintball@yahoo.com

Website: http://www.cushmanpaintball.com/

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  On 2/24/2012 at 6:41 PM, Blackhole said:

The guy I'm talking about actually lives right here in Ohio about 30 minutes away from me. I've been to his workshop (where I we built my E-11). I'll get some info from him and post later.



Please do :D

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BH - Sounds good. If he's willing to Sell to Canada in possibly in an untrimmed unpainted state then I know 4 or 5 troopers who would probably be interested. The Aussie ones are great but the shipping is $$$. - Unfinished unpainted shouldn't have issues at the boarder.


I'll keep an eye out for the info and pass it on.



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  • 2 months later...

I had a friend that just bought one, had the same type of problems and then was informed that Cushman had a heart attack and had unexpectantly died. Maybe hold on for the response. If this is true, a tragady like that would always push back any rapid response.

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