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My Shadow Scout Pic heavy


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Hey there bud... good build.


My own personal observations (everyone gets these..)


Pouches, I'd make some out of fabric, rather than vinyl as you have done there. Vinyl tends to balloon out and not keep a good shape.

Maybe make the shoulder bridges out of cloth fabric, rather than vinyl.


I'd lower your belt a little so the bund doesn't poke out of the bottom, and bring up the drop boxes a couple of inches. They only want to sit about 3-4 inches below the belt line ideally.


Then I'd consider taking in your flight suit, it looks a bit baggy in places, try to get it a little more 'form fitting' and then add in the suede patches and flaps, and thigh straps... and remove the visible zippers on it too.


I'd paint your helmet bolts black, along with the tube on the TD (which you've noticed is upside down... good job).


And if you want to be really snazzy.... add in the top strap to the knee armour.



Further than that... Welcome to the dark side of the dark side!

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Looks great man, awesome work. Aside from what Chef has noted, make sure you get the buttflap, riding patches, and elastic thigh straps added to the jumpsuit. If you get it altered a bit, it'll look better too. I could not tell if the TD greeblie is present, but if not, get that dude added too. Awesome work all-in-all. :)

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Thanks for the comments guys' since the parade I've made lots of changes to this costume. The hardest part for me has always been my size. I have huge shoulders and chest like a lion... Lol

It's looked real good right now ' will take some more pics soon.


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Don't know if this was mentioned, but I believe it's still required to paint the helmet visor bolts black (the round discs where the visor attaches and allows the face plate assembly to rotate up ), versus the silver/grey they are currently.

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