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Gday from downunder

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Gday there, first post on here, and im glad to be able to post up pics of my Stealth Trooper. I picked the armour off a fellow member, and after a couple of little mods and a good polish, i then had the misses take some pics. Im the GML of the Redback garrison, and have submitted my pics for the LMO's approval.



th_P05-09-10_130002.jpg th_P05-09-10_130101.jpg th_P1010246.jpg th_P1010249.jpg th_P05-09-10_130401.jpg

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  On 9/6/2010 at 2:11 PM, ELP said:

Ken - That's a great looking kit!


Looks like we're both waiting for Thomas to get back from D-Con


Thanks mate, yeah your application and pics are posted right after mine.

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  On 9/7/2010 at 3:27 PM, izzi said:

Awesome! We need to start making a TX list here on the boards by region/garrison. Might help nearby future TX find locals willing to help them out.







Now grab a Guinness!B)

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Ken - A bunch of TKs were put through today so hopefully those of us with more 'exotic' kits will be in the next bunch, which will hopefully be soon.

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One thing a Celebration does is bring in an influx of new troopers. I imagine with Mr T being busy at the various big cons and having so many applications to go through, the process could take longer than normal right now. I know people were getting approved quickly right before CV because they were trying to reach the 5000 active goal. Some of those approvals could be getting finalized also. Good thing is with all these new recruits, we should start seeing a lot of new swag on the boards also. :D

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  On 9/9/2010 at 3:27 PM, ELP said:

Ken - A bunch of TKs were put through today so hopefully those of us with more 'exotic' kits will be in the next bunch, which will hopefully be soon.


TK's dont go thru the same approval process and are approved by your local GML, EU and new to legion characters have to be approved thru Thomas, which can take on average 2 weeks.


  On 9/9/2010 at 4:24 PM, Blackhole said:

One thing a Celebration does is bring in an influx of new troopers. I imagine with Mr T being busy at the various big cons and having so many applications to go through, the process could take longer than normal right now. I know people were getting approved quickly right before CV because they were trying to reach the 5000 active goal. Some of those approvals could be getting finalized also. Good thing is with all these new recruits, we should start seeing a lot of new swag on the boards also. :D


As a GML, i can see the applicants waiting on approval on the EU thread. Thomas did a big backlog of approvals after Chicago, so there arent that many in the queue at present.

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Thanks for the info Ken ;) - I'll stop checking my e-mail every few hours.


My wife is a TK and she went from pics submitted to having her number in less than 24 hrs... That's our only experience with the 501 approval process.

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