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Voltin's Shadow Stormtrooper Build


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Just received my gloves from Sith Armor, have added black plastic screen mesh to the frown of my efx bucket,

got temporary undersuit (thermals for the colder months) but still need heatgear undersuit, awaiting armor to arrive in the mail, and will be ordering neckseal, boots, and a black shoulder pauldron tomorrow.


Here is a pic of my MR E-11 and custom holster I made for it.





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Nice looking holster - I like the shine!


A note about the holster - I think the belt loops might be too short. The belts are about 3 inches wide so I don't think there is enough room. Troopermaster's template (as that is what this looks like) is made to have the holster hang. Not to worry, if the straps are to short you can add a bit of material on the back of the loops to loop your holster or cut them and attach to the belt for a hang ... problem (if there is one) solved.


And I just got one of these suits - Works really well and it's nice and warm (A consideration for a good chunk of the year here in Canada). The logo just scratched off ... And it's got a zipper - Hurray!

house of Scuba - lycra dive suit

The neck line isn't that low and the feet have a bit more material on them but overall it's pretty good. Also my neck seal has a large Dickie (that's what the bib like material around the neck seal is called - seriously).

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The belt loops look small in the pic but fit when using my 3 inch Imperial belt for my other costumes, however I will probably be getting a 3.5 inch leather belt to use for this costume so I may have to mod or just make a new one. I will have to measure the loops to see if they will accomadate a 3.5 inch inch belt.


Will be stopping by Tandy leather to pick up snaps, leather dye, glossy leather protector spray, and belt buckles anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/11/2010 at 3:47 PM, Sith said:

Any updates V?


I am having some difficulty navigating this site after the upgrade. Really laggy. I have begun to work on putting together the lower pieces and I just picked my neckseal up from the post office today. Still need to pick up some snaps from Tandy leather.

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  • 9 months later...
  On 10/22/2010 at 4:39 AM, HunterColt22 said:

Very cool can't wait to see the pick updates, my boots just came in the mail today and they look awesome. Nicely done on the E-11 as well, I had a chance to buy one at a toys r us for conversion but didnt have the funds at the time, and now I do, and they are out, damn karma. D:


Ok I have been away for awhile due to a few different reasons. One being that I have put my Shadowtrooper costume on hold until I finish my Snowtrooper which should be sometime before December this year. Another reason is because when the new backgrounds were installed here it makes it very very very slow to navigate through this forum. I know that all I have to do is change the background but can not seem to find where I am able to do so besides the "Change Background" in the upper left and non of them seem to help.


Help me follow troopers


You are my only help, if I am to stay active on this forum. Which I love by the way. I will begin working on my Shadowtrooper again come next year and need to be here. Help me!

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  On 8/21/2011 at 1:45 AM, Voltin said:

Ok I have been away for awhile due to a few different reasons. One being that I have put my Shadowtrooper costume on hold until I finish my Snowtrooper which should be sometime before December this year. Another reason is because when the new backgrounds were installed here it makes it very very very slow to navigate through this forum. I know that all I have to do is change the background but can not seem to find where I am able to do so besides the "Change Background" in the upper left and non of them seem to help.


Help me follow troopers


You are my only help, if I am to stay active on this forum. Which I love by the way. I will begin working on my Shadowtrooper again come next year and need to be here. Help me!


To change the skin go to the very bottom of the screen and you will see 2 boxes. One to change the skin and one to change the board language. Click the left one and choose IP Board skin for the basic skin......(which is what I use also....:D)

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  • 1 year later...

Ok I am back from the dead. Got a little sidetracked with things such as life.


I just purchased some new Shadow Trooper armor that should arrive in the mail any day now :)


Also my Under Armour bottoms should be arriving soon. Once that is all here I can began my build which I am super excited about!

I may have to get some new boots as I have worn the ones I bought a couple of years ago and they are now a little scuffed.


I have made the modifications to my eFX Shadow Trooper bucket and Izzi says that is good to go.


never ordered the shoulder pauldron but I did get some really nice gloves and neck seal.


Once everything is finished I am going to purchase a quality Pauldron and a pair of Black Shakles to add a little flare. Not 37 pieces or anything LOL but a little flare is good :)


I will be sure to keep everyone here updated.



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  • 9 months later...

Once again I am back from the dead. I have finally begun working on my Shadow Trooper again. They second set of Armor I purchased was... HORRIBLE! :(

So I have decided to just go ahead and finish the older used set I purchased back in 2010. I just finished my Belt the other day (besides attaching the drop boxes) and plan on working on the thighs and shin guards this Weekend. My goal is to have it all finished by the end of April this year.


My holster loops are just long enough to slide on to the canvas part of my belt. However that MR E-11 Blaster weighs a ton! May be in the market for a lighter blaster in the future.

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  On 3/25/2014 at 3:41 AM, Master Tej said:

Aw, no! What happened with the second suit of armor?


- Master Tej -


Well I did a very stupid thing and bought it off someone on ebay. I know I know, I should know better than that. It was made of fiberglass and the front chest plate was very warped. This frustrated me so much that I gave up the project until now.


My older set of armor was used. I bought it from a 501st member in the UK. At least I believe he was in the 501st from what I recall. It has many very light scratches but is far superior from the last set I purchased. I have decided to go ahead and finish the older set.


When all is said and done I should have just saved my cash up and bought a brand new kit. Oh well I have to make due with what I have. Regardless I am still very excited to finish this project.


Tonight after I finish work I will be working on it somemore.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have now finished the Chest, shoulder bells, upper arm cuffs, forearms, and gloves. I had a minor set back as I somehow lost or misplaced my neck seal. New one arrived today though :)


Tonight I will be working on the shins and thigh pieces. I hope to have it all finished within the next two weeks! Still have some work to do on the O2 Canister and waiting on the aluminum clips to arrive in the mail.


I am afraid it will not look nearly as awesome as most out there as the armor I am using was already used and has many light scratches and also the fact that most of my set up is being put together using velcro (I know I know). I do plan switching it all over to the snap system soon. But right now I am just trying to get it all ready for a major event coming up here in the begining of May.


Should not be much longer!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here are a few pics of my Shadow Trooper at Wizard World Minneapolis 2014.

I haven't submitted my costume for approval yet as I still need to work out a few minor kinks. However it shouldn't be long now.










And here is one with my Wife joining us.



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Yeah it was a lot of fun. This week I will be ripping out the old elastic straps for the chest, back, and shoulder bells and redoing it all. The Night before the Con the right strap ripped off when I was testing it. I bought the armor used a few years back and never replaced those straps. So I had to do a temporary fix. I don't want to submit pics for 501st Approval until I am sure my armor will hold up while Trooping.


I have a new undersuit on the way as the Underarmor I bought has the white logo on the right thigh that I actually painted before the con. Now the paint is peeling. So a new undersuit was a must. Other then that I need to still find my Voice Amplifier Head mic piece and then I will be good to go.

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