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Blackhole Trooper sayings?

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new here just wanted to say hi and is there any special saying black hole trooper have cause i have just been standing quitly at troops cause i dont know what to say certinly its not "these arnt the droids we are looking for" but is there something uniqu we say?

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  On 10/16/2010 at 7:10 AM, izzi said:

I just stand there and look intimidating.




LOL ... "walk softly but carry a big Izzi".



Myself I speak normally but sprinkle in the terms "citizen" & “move along". Also Every once and a while as someone is walking past make a point to move my whole head and follow them across my field of view, and then keep watching them as they walk away (most of the time they look back - the guilty always will ;) ) - My wife said she overheard two people say "I think the guy in the black is a cop in real life" - mission accomplished.

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I did Jango before joining the Legion, home made one, not 501st quality, and a kid saw me one time and he told his father "look dad a POWER RANGER!!!!" (never wear this costume after such an traumatic experience!!!) LOL

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  On 10/17/2010 at 3:30 PM, crazas said:

I did Jango before joining the Legion, home made one, not 501st quality, and a kid saw me one time and he told his father "look dad a POWER RANGER!!!!" (never wear this costume after such an traumatic experience!!!) LOL


lol, can't say I blame you ;)

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  On 10/17/2010 at 3:30 PM, crazas said:

I did Jango before joining the Legion, home made one, not 501st quality, and a kid saw me one time and he told his father "look dad a POWER RANGER!!!!" (never wear this costume after such an traumatic experience!!!) LOL

At a diabetes walk my spotter was told she was such a good person to support her husband the Power Ranger. I'm not married to that spotter and I was wearing my Magma.


We both figured we'd never see this person again so we just did the 'grin and bear it' thing.

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  • 3 months later...

i actually dissembled . the 2010 Christmas tk statue from target .

that says all the white tk sayings .. standard --look sir droids,let me see your identification, open the blast doors -close the blast doors etc..... and wired it into my skullworx sound i can hit the center button with my chin while the buckets on ... no one really knows what a tx says .. but kids love it .. its great on parades !!! and it transfers great ..


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