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Shock Trooper (EA Battlefront)

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After selling my Mandalorian, I decided to tackle a trooper no one's done before. I'm hoping to become the Legion's first Shock Trooper, as seen in the new Battlefront game (unless someone else swoops in and gets it done before me) :teehee:


Some reference pics.








There's two different models: One that carries a T-21 blaster and no backpack, and one that carries a DLT-19 and a backpack resembling the one from the Special Edition of ANH. I'll be doing the backpack trooper.


My MTK helmet as it arrived in the mail:




After a day's work:




As this trooper is structurally similar to ROTJ, I'll be making more changes to the helmet. I'm waiting for proper decals and tube stripes. Also will be taking the ears off and slimming them down a bit and will be filling in the screw holes with bondo. Let me know what you think so far!

I'm in talks with TM to get the firehose belt material and rubber armor trim, and still waiting to hear back from ATA on the rest of my parts. Everything will be constructed using the overlap method, opposed to cover strips.

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Good to see you back on the boards here Mike. Sounds like you are approaching things in the right fashion. The paint on the helmet looks good. This character reminds me heavily of my Incinerator trooper with ROTJ-style and similar paint job.

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  On 12/4/2015 at 3:08 PM, Toddo said:

Good to see you back on the boards here Mike. Sounds like you are approaching things in the right fashion. The paint on the helmet looks good. This character reminds me heavily of my Incinerator trooper with ROTJ-style and similar paint job.


Good to be back! In the all the time I couldn't build, I researched the living crap out of every Stormtrooper costume under the sun. I expect this one to go 100x smoother than my first build.

Almost went the INC route because I wanted to build one of those torches, but I like the idea of being the first to finish something new, so here I am with this one!

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I've a bit of experience with ROTJ builds, so shout if you need help.

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Helmet looks much better after hitting it with a blackwash and adding the decals. Just need to fill in the screw holes and I'm gonna call it done.




Trimmed the over-sized AM handplates and flipped the buttons on the FX abdomen armor. Added some cheap door trim to the plates. Might paint up the chest plate and shoulder bells later tonight.



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Wow really cool. I was always a bit skeptical about how well the clone-type paint jobs might port across to TK armour, but your weathered rendition is starting to win me over. The bubble lenses look great too. Another thing I never thought I'd say....

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  On 12/6/2015 at 2:24 PM, Tube said:

Wow really cool. I was always a bit skeptical about how well the clone-type paint jobs might port across to TK armour, but your weathered rendition is starting to win me over. The bubble lenses look great too. Another thing I never thought I'd say....


Thanks man. I was skeptical myself, but it grew on me. I still prefer the flat lenses, but bubbles are more accurate on this TK unfortunately haha. Not quite as easy to see out of.


Got some torso plates done!








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Great job Mike. This all is looking spot-on. One of the crappiest pieces to work on is inverting the abdomen buttons, but you have done a nice job with that as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Cross-post from FISD:

Got a few things done since my last update!

I sold my MTK helmet on eBay (my first eBay sale!!). So PayPal is withholding my funds until the helmet arrives and feedback is sent. Fair enough I guess. Apologies to TM for making him wait so long to ship my ROTJ armor, belt and helmet stuff..! happy.png

What I still need to do with the parts I have on hand:

- Spray paint right bicep white (a few of the parts I received came in black HIPS)

- Add red stripe to right bicep

- Trim knee ammo belt and rivet to right thigh

- Add red stripe to right thigh and left thigh

- Spray paint both shins + TK kneeplate red

- Add rear shim to right shin

- Add velcro to right boot to keep shin from popping out

- Strap right shoulder bell to the right shoulder bridge


I had to add a shim to the inside of my left shin so it would fit over the top of my boot, using some leftover red ABS from my old ATA Magma. Is it acceptable for the back of a ROTJ shin to look like this? I plan to do the same with my right shin if this is okay.

This little glitch involving the shins and boots just so happens to be one of only two reasons why my other suit isn't 501st approved... I feel pretty motivated to make this change after seeing how well the shim worked on this set of armor.


And this is what the front looks like with the shim installed. The knee plate is CAP-W (HIPS), and the shin armor is ATA (ABS). Can't wait to see how this all looks in red.


And a couple more questions. Since the thermal detonator is clearly ANH/ESB and not ROTJ, would my FX control panel be acceptable? Are they still accepted on new recruits? I could purchase a replacement from ATA, but I would rather save up for DLT-19 and backpack parts.

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  • 1 month later...

Here's how the kit looks as of last night.




I am really happy with how this TM ROTJ helmet came out. Still need to weather it though!




To do list:

- Paint red stripes on both thighs

- Paint right shin

- Rivet ammo belt to fabric belt

- Weather everything

- Touch up red paint on boots

- Trim out backs of thighs and shins to improve mobility

- Trim and assemble drop boxes and paint red, then attach to belt with elastic.


One more full day's worth of work, and it should be there. This has been a fun build so far!

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Did a test fit after taking nearly an inch off the tops of the thighs. Sorry for the picture quality - they were taken by my sister's phone.










And just to prove it's me under that helmet:




Just need to add the drop boxes and trim a little bit more off the thighs and buttplate. Other than that, the armor is pretty much "me" sized, and just needs a little padding in a few places.

I'm starting bookkeeper training next week, which means early in, early out. I'll have 5 days next week that I can devote to finishing this armor. I'm thinking about debuting it at the St. Patricks Day parade :)


Advice is welcome as always!

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So I'm actually not going to be submitting the costume in its current state. After posting on Facebook looking for feedback, a few things came up. As the CRL model, I will need to be close to perfection. Now I have a to do list:


- Trim all the forearm ridges down to 15 mm, strap to biceps, and pad the insides.

- Take about a half an inch off both sides of the abdomen plate, and slightly bend with heat.

- Install chinstrap in helmet, Plastidip interior.

- Wear balaclava to hide hair

- Weather fabric belt

- Apply light black acrylic wash to thermal detonator and handplates

- Remove elastic straps from shoulder bells



  On 3/3/2016 at 11:06 PM, Darth Emphatic said:

It's so hard to tell with posted photos, but the games red seems darker than your armors red.


You're actually not the first person to say this. Nothing a black wash can't fix.

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  • 1 month later...


  On 3/3/2016 at 11:30 PM, SolidScrafty said:

So I'm actually not going to be submitting the costume in its current state. After posting on Facebook looking for feedback, a few things came up. As the CRL model, I will need to be close to perfection. Now I have a to do list:


- Trim all the forearm ridges down to 15 mm, strap to biceps, and pad the insides.

- Take about a half an inch off both sides of the abdomen plate, and slightly bend with heat.

- Install chinstrap in helmet, Plastidip interior.

- Wear balaclava to hide hair

- Weather fabric belt

- Apply light black acrylic wash to thermal detonator and handplates

- Remove elastic straps from shoulder bells





You're actually not the first person to say this. Nothing a black wash can't fix.


Any updates with this?!

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