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TX armour

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Hey guys, ive been posting on the UK boards and within my local group but ive also been advised to keep posting within the Spec Ops boards as well haha.


Last time i posted it was pointed out i needed to paint the buttons, screws and hovi mic tips black. This has now been done so any other critiques please feel free to let me know :)




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Overall I think you look good. Picky stuff includes the forearms which look like they could be sized-down just a tad, but I wouldn't hold-up approval as a GML. The helmet looks a bit off from the front, but fine from the sides. Like I said though, overall you are good.

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Many thanks, i think the look from the front with the helmet has something to do with light distortion or something haha because it normally looks better than that, ill take a couple more pics. Ive left a little bit of room when it came to fitting the armour to me as i hope to gain a bit of weight in the near future, if my annoyingly fast metabolism allows it that is, and still wanted to be able to fit inside my armour :)

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This is the helmet from the front, doesnt look as weird shape wise now so must of been the lighting/camera haha. This was taken before the mic tips where painted black :) Will the current picturse be an issue, if everything looks ok and im a go for clearance, or should i take another set to rectify the shape distortion



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That does look a bit better. The tubes seem off to me somehow still, but again I wouldn't hold-up approval for that. As for your photos, that is up to your local GML. The way I approach my own submissions is that I strive to have my approval pics look as good as I can make them look, so that's your call.

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  On 12/26/2015 at 5:25 PM, Toddo said:

That does look a bit better. The tubes seem off to me somehow still, but again I wouldn't hold-up approval for that. As for your photos, that is up to your local GML. The way I approach my own submissions is that I strive to have my approval pics look as good as I can make them look, so that's your call.


Again, many thanks for the advice, ill take another set as these where a little rushed. Might as well do it all properly rather than hope for the best

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