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Triple Zero


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My completed Triple Zero protocol droid.

I shall be writing up the whole process of bringing him to life with pictures and stuff, but for now here are some pictures!~


Standard front, sides, and back shots:






And some other fun shots:









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Welcome to Spec Ops! I believe I saw this in person at Celebration Anaheim racing Gordon's 3PO. It's especially well-done. I've been slowly working on K-3PO, and I'm envious of the work you've done to this. Is that the TK-409 small suit or the larger one?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Triple Zero is an awesome character too...love him in the comics. Just need to hook you up w/ BT-1 (spring loaded dome armament and all lol) for mass destruction.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you so much everyone!! :D


is that a costume or a prop? I mean, either way I love it!


It is indeed a costume! ;)


Welcome to Spec Ops! I believe I saw this in person at Celebration Anaheim racing Gordon's 3PO. It's especially well-done. I've been slowly working on K-3PO, and I'm envious of the work you've done to this. Is that the TK-409 small suit or the larger one?


That was me! I was pretty stiff and slow back then since it was my first time ever wearing the suit fully. I've made a whole lot of modifications for movement and comfort since, and have most definitely gotten a lot more used to how to move in it and my vision. I'd say I could give that rebel scum a run for his money next time around! lol, Gordon's an awesome sport! Also yep! It is the TK409 small parts! I actually considered doing K3PO myself! As well as R3PO because I loved the color! But the black came out too good to pass up. Haha


Triple Zero is an awesome character too...love him in the comics. Just need to hook you up w/ BT-1 (spring loaded dome armament and all lol) for mass destruction.


Oh man, I wishhhhh! That would be so B.A. xD

One of our local R2 Builders is considering taking on the task! Here's to hoping he commits!


Missed this the first time up. This is amazing! Oh, to be skinny enough to fit into that. Are you on the 3PO diet?


Thank you! And I'm lucky to have genetics on my side! Almost as if I was built in some Imperial warehouse or something! :3po:

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  • 4 months later...
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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys, I trying to up load pics to the forum with photo bucket and copying the URL link for photo B and pasting it into the URL box on this page but its not playing and I have resized the pics right down so they are small. Any help would be great.

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