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Warp costume gallery ?

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Has anyone used this company Warp costume gallery in doing my research I came across them on etsy. They have a complete costume with all armor, soft parts, boots, and blaster for 1399.00.the only thing that stands out as a noob is that the armor has the imperial crest painted on the left chest like the action figure. Does this seem to be a fair price? Does the armor appear correct? has anyone had a bad experience with them? Thank all of you for your help.

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You are wise to ask questions before jumping in head first. Stay away from etsy and eBay for SW armor. Although it may be enticing, you will not get what you see. Most times the wares are a recast of someone else's work. In this case, it's not worth the risk. That is super over priced stuff and would never guide anyone in that direction. You should avoid them, completely.


If you have FB, look up WTF - Walt's Trooper Factory. He is a trusted member here and you can also contact him via PM (member name Rottie).


Hope this helps.

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I agree with Jim. I'm also sending you a PM with some further info.

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