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Tommy's Completed Death Trooper Build

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Hi there, Tom from Terror Australis Garrison "KnightFall Squad" Melbourne.


I have been working hard on my Death Trooper costume and I thought it was a good time to share my progress. These boards have been an awesome source of information and help, so thanks guys.


All the armour is 3D printed which I purchased from D03D. these files are a great start but they are not perfect and there has been plenty of modification going on. The hardest thing has been scaling them for myself so I don't waist time printing so I have been using my TK armour which has worked out well.


All parts have been printed in one piece and some smaller parts I have modeled myself. I have had some great help from a mate of mine who has done his own design of the DT helmet and Barry Watts over on the R1 Trooper FB page has been awesome regarding the ribbed gaskets, under suit, shipping me some hard to get items and general feedback, thanks mate.


My next step is reinforcing and smoothing the 3D printed parts ready for paint. I have patterned out the under suit and ribbed gaskets which I should start sewing in a week or two.


The belt buckle will be milled from Aluminium and so will be the main barrel of the DT blaster, which will then have the rest of the parts 3D printed.


I am patterning out the large belt boxes for sewing tomorrow.


So fingers crossed and I am hoping to have all this ready for the Rogue One premier here in Melbourne.


Still have soooooooo much to do.


Anyway back too it!





















This was a test fit and the Do3D helmet is way to big and all wrong that is why we did our own version. But very happy with he armour.



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  On 10/2/2016 at 2:28 AM, ukswrath said:

Hey Tom nice start. As you mentioned the helmet is large, as in gigantic. Looking forward to the rest of this build.


Haha yes its a bobble head. That's why we started from scratch and did a 3D render ourselves. Which looks great.







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  On 10/2/2016 at 2:50 AM, mitcheg1 said:

Did you make the gaskets yourself? They look great. Would love some insight on how you made them?


Hey Greg, I think I just answered you on the R1 FB page, but happy to share it here also.


This is a black waxy denim material sewn to a cotton duck weave backing but you could use any material.


I measured out 9.5 mm and then sewed a heap of hopefully straight rows.


Then I purchased some 4 mm irrigation flexible hose cut it to length then pushed it through the holes to make the ribs.


Once they are in it pulls the ribs to approximately 8 to 9 mm.


It also keeps it's shape extremely well.


Hope this helps.




Here is some other combinations of material I tried and some rubber bath mate I found, but very happy with what i have come up with.



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  • 1 month later...

Update Time:


Pretty much started again from scratch with the 3D printed parts, the Do3D files just needed to much modifications. So when i got my Death Trooper Hot Toys figure we used this as reference and my good mate Marty and I started rendering the files These are awesome they look perfect. He also did the DT Blaster an man of great skill. So it was off to the printer again and so after sanding and some fiberglass and some sanding a little bit of paint as a test here are the parts so far.


















And off course my blaster






So still on track for the premier I think, but still so much more to do.


Cheers Tom

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I think the main problem with these DT build threads is that everyone keeps makin/designing them, but no one is painting them.... }:(


Lol! Keep up the great work man! You are incredibly lucky to be able to do all this stuff :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well after much sanding, filling, primer and paint and then the final weathering I was finally ready to put the strapping on my costume.


After a late light on the Tuesday and working all day on the Wednesday we finally finished my Death Trooper about 4 hours before the Midnight Imax screening last Wednesday night.


What an effort by some close friends to help me kit up for the first time and finally complete my costume.


A couple of last minuet repairs to the gaskets, belt and Blaster and we where ready to go






Then I was ready for my close up.....haha


I am really proud of how this costume has turned out with around 6 months work put in and the help of a few great friends and family I couldn't have done it without them.






Then it was off to the Imax premier with my 501st mates.










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Here are some links to my Facebook build videos on painting, strapping, Gaskets and LED's


I hope you enjoy.


PLEASE NOTE: To view these video's you must be a member of the Death Trooper Build group on Facebook, the link for the group is below and request to join.













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  On 12/19/2016 at 11:54 PM, marktoots said:

This is one awesome build mate :) You have nailed it.


Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk

  On 12/20/2016 at 12:40 AM, Griffin-X said:

Agreed, so awesome Tommy! I actually came across your first pic over the weekend while searching for DT builds. I thought, "wow, this guy nailed it". And now I know it was you! Very cool. :)


Thanks guys, I really appreciate the kind words and praise


Cheers Tom

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Thanks for finishing my suit for me, Tom!!! You can ship it to....


Oh wait, there I go daydreaming again! Darn it.


Looks friggen fantastic sir! Truly amazing. Cheers to you for all your work!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/23/2016 at 4:25 PM, Griffin-X said:

So awesome. I watched the movie last night in 3D and you've really brought this trooper to life. Well done Tom! :thumbsup:

  On 12/24/2016 at 1:48 AM, Gearbox said:


Great good there Tommy!!

Can't wait for the parts for my DT to start arriving.


Thanks guys again for the ringing endorsement of my build, I really appreciate it.

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Well I have to top of my DT build with the ultimate accessory apart from a DLT-19 which i need to get cracking on.


I printed off Jyn's little Stormtrooper doll, so I had to get a photo.


The pics need a little more work in Photoshop...haha










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