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First time shadow scout build


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Hello all. My name is Jon, and this is my second costume build. My fist was a TD which I brought up to deployment standards with the MEPD 5d4a3c8965f26d72092c41677daf0528.jpg

I'm using the studio creations as my armor for a shadow scout and have looked over and over..pandatroopers build on the pathfinders site... so far I've sized up the chest and back and given them a smooth sanding for paint. Olso glued the back together.500dc6cfd86fdab366de0aaefcbd4b6b.jpgf2e7649b270c42c249a2a8ccb9950760.jpgac61494448db31b57222ee6ffeeacb68.jpg

Started cutting out the eyes as well. But when I look at other pics they seem larger than mine. Do I need to go wider?


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.




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  • 3 weeks later...

After looking at more pics, I decided to widen the eyes.



Using abs paste to smooth out the top cap to back.



Read on pandatroopers tread about filling in the ends of the det tube to give the end cap more area to be glued. So I cut a bucket lid to thread into the end with some e-6000.


Greemblies and zip tied






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  • 5 weeks later...

I have been working on the armor slowly but surely.. it took two attempts, but I think I have the cummerbund done. 6d8501fd5ae2da4e58936fe32b30d55f.jpg

The belt overlaps the bund by an inch so I could put two snaps in it like a Tk belt. Figured that would keep it from dropping and centred nicely. Also two snaps up higher that attach to the suit pockets, for the same reason.


Used heavy cotton for the shoulder bridges.


Still need to pin strip tank and rivets.


I've read the elbow overlaps the gloves, but does the elbow and triceps armor overlap?





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No. They do not overlap. Bring the bicept up to under the vest sleeve and roll it forward. Then roll your forearm over and push it about a quarter of the way over the top of your gauntlet. That part sits on just about the top of your arm. Your armor is looking great! The fitment part is a learning experience and you'll be a pro in no time.

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Worked on the knees today.

But instead of using the pop rivet like normal. I cut them down the centre and used them like split rivets. Still need to paint them.





Added some foam padding on the top and bottom edges




Should the disk bolts in the helmet be high gloss like the other details, or satin to blend in?


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Finished off the bund pouches. I filled them with boxes to hold shape but switched to stuffing instead. From the film pic it looks like something like that was in them.





No visual stitching, but I used 1/8 foam and heat bond in the flaps to keep it stiff.




When I attached the pouches I left the top in-stitched so I could still use it as a pocket.




Some velcro will keep it closed later.


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After trying on the armour a few times, I had an issue with my sleeves working their way out of the gloves and bunching up. So I shortened them to the wrist, took off an 1" at the cuff, 1 1/2" at the armpit. Then put a thumb loop on. Now the sleeve stays nice n tucked in to my gloves with no excess bunching.

Haven't started the boots yet, but I image I'd have the same issue, so I put foot loops in too.




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Got started the boots today.


It's a bit too cold here in Edmonton to do the car window trick. So I used a halogen light heater to warm up the vinyl before I pinned/stretched it to the boot. The vinyl had a nice stretch to it, and it conformed nicely. Then a few more mins in the heat before leaving it to cool and hopefully hold shape.


I've read a few boot build treads, but am still wondering.. is there a best glue for the boots?


Any tips or suggestions would be welcome. Thanks!





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  On 12/28/2016 at 9:11 PM, jcalus said:
Got started the boots today.


It's a bit too cold here in Edmonton to do the car window trick. So I used a halogen light heater to warm up the vinyl before I pinned/stretched it to the boot. The vinyl had a nice stretch to it, and it conformed nicely. Then a few more mins in the heat before leaving it to cool and hopefully hold shape.


I've read a few boot build treads, but am still wondering.. is there a best glue for the boots?


Any tips or suggestions would be welcome. Thanks!





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Shoo Goo is the adhesive of choice for the boots. You should be able to find it at a craft store. Get your fabric stretches done then apply a layer of the goo to the underside, pull it tight and repin it. Then let it dry and trim the excess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

great effort so far. looks awesome. keep on going the goal is near :)


btw like your pouch solutionwith the extra pocket. I also made a special construcktion to be abele to use the pouch fully but keep it in shape and volume :)

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The blaster.


It's a rubber resin cast from the plastic empire, and after filling in a few holes left from bubbles, pretty happy with how it turned out.








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Tried on all the armor today and took some pics.

I can see that I need to RE-do the butt flap, figure out how to keep the TD straight, and touch up my tank. Bumped a wall and scraped the paint...

Anything else that I'm missing? Any advice is always welcome, thanks.




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Looking really good. Just a few things to tweak. Do you have the tank stripes present? If not, get those in place. Also, could not tell if the hook was in place on your lid. You could use Velcro on the TD to keep it aligned, or use belt clips like the original. That'll get you one step closer to Specialist level. ;)

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