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Future Shadowtrooper could use some help

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Question: would any of you guys recommend buying a whole Shadowtrooper kit? or should I buy piece by piece? If you suggest a whole kit, where should I go to get it? I haven't heard much about Anovos, or Walt's Trooper Factory. All I know about Anovos is there kit is $700. I just want to know if what I'm getting is used before I commit to it.


Any info would definitely help.



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Question: would any of you guys recommend buying a whole Shadowtrooper kit? or should I buy piece by piece? If you suggest a whole kit, where should I go to get it? I haven't heard much about Anovos, or Walt's Trooper Factory. All I know about Anovos is there kit is $700. I just want to know if what I'm getting is used before I commit to it.


Any info would definitely help.




The Annovos kit is not too bad, but there could be a wait time for it. I'd speak with Walt at WTF. He's very well respected and a trusted reseller.



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Definitely get a kit as a whole. Much easier. Wtf is probably fastest. I have the Anovos and can answer any specific questions you have about that or want to see some pictures. Anovos would probably be a wait of at least 6+ months.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk



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The whole kit, I would recommend. Especially if it's your first build. We bought the Anovos and there is definitely a wait. But, they delivered when they said they would, right down to the wire.


As far as the build went. We didn't rush and it was fun. Rare earth magnets are a serious plus during the build. I bought 1/8" diameter magnets. Too Small. A friend loaned us his 1/2" diameter. They worked great.


One other suggestion, again if it's your first build, strongly recommend E6000 glue. No lie when they say a Trooper's best friend.


Good luck.


PS, Don't be afraid to ask for help.

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I just received my WTF kit last week. It took about 6 weeks with the holidays and such. I do know they are having an issue with the current stock of black plastic as he is not happy with the quality so it may take a little longer to get a kit now. I unboxed and looked at it all and it's really nice quality to me. Pretty thick and durable looking. I have not made any cuts yet as I am still looking and researching. I am also trying to gather all my supplies I will need for strapping and rigging. post-3673-0-32333500-1484873105_thumb.jpg

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