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Dániels Death Trooper WIP

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Hello all,


I've finally decided to start my WIP thread. :)

This is my very first project for the 501st and I'm aiming for the Death Trooper Specialist.


Currently I'm working on the helmet which will be painted in the course of the following week.


At the moment I have:

  • Helmet (Phoenix Props)
  • Gloves (Endor Finders)
  • Belt Buckle (Phoenix Props)

To come:

  • Undersuit/Gasket suit (made by me)
  • Armor (Armory Shop)
  • Pauldron (either Trooperbay or Veeds Pauldrens)
  • Boots (Imperialboots: Killer, since it has became sort of impossible to get ahold of a couple of Doc Martens Jereds, especially in Europe)
  • Canvas Pouches (made by me)
  • MP40 Pouch (possibly Trooperbay)
  • SE-14R and DLT-19X: 3D printed
  • Mags and C25s: don't know yet

PS: Been here for a couple of weeks now and I'm absolutely amazed by this community and its always helping hand! :)


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  On 4/11/2017 at 11:31 AM, nanotek said:

Nice. I am looking at purchasing the armour from armorshop too. Interested to see how it turns out!


Yes, definitely! I will order it sometime in May so I have something to work on during the summer. :)


  On 4/11/2017 at 11:55 AM, Woodo007 said:

Welcome. Look forward to seeing your progress Daniel


Thank you, will definitely keep you updated!

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  On 4/11/2017 at 1:30 PM, Darth Emphatic said:

Welcome to spec ops! It will be a tough project, but stay diligent and you'll get there.


Thank you, Steve!

Yeah, I thought it might be one of the harder to accomplish costumes, but maybe that's also part of the myth of the oh so mighty death trooper. :D

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  • 4 months later...

It's been some time since my last post, but I've certainly made some progress. Due to my everyday life I haven't been able to do a lot during the last months, but the main paint job for my Phoenix Props helmet is done and the amor will arrive in September or October. I also started on the gasket/undersuit which will entirely be made by me. Also purchased the E-11D and SE-14R which are already finished, as well.

Hopefully I'll be done with the entire build by December/January.



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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for all the positive feedback! :)


Well, it's been quite a while since I last posted here, but unfortunately there hasn't been much that I could do during the last couple of months.


My helmet's nearly finished (only the green acrylic for the tusks is missing, that's why I haven't attached them yet; I also have to add a more matted black to the stripe on the forehead) and I'm currently working on the undersuit.

The armor has arrived a week ago, as well, but I can't start working on that before Christmas.


Whatsoever, I've created a WIP album on imgur, so please feel to criticise, feedback and (if appropriate) applaud. :laugh1:











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  • 1 year later...

It's been quite a while since my last post, but a lot has happened since then.
Both helmet and armor are finished, as well as the undersuit and all the other accessories relevant for the "standard" Death Trooper.

I am really sorry for not keeping this thread up to date, but I have recorded my progress continually in the forum of the Austrian Garrison.
The next big step is the approval of a DT specialist, whose progress I will describe most accurately in this thread as well.


Regardless, TX 24156 is ready to serve the galactic empire! ?


Please find attached a few of my application photos as well as some "best of" pics.


Finished helmet (without weathering)



Armory Shop Kit (ABS plastic; not all parts are depicted)



Trying on the armor (very early stage ?)



Chest part of the undersuit



Sanding the armor ...



Painted shoulder bells with "racing stripes"



Trying on most parts of the painted armor. I haven't had the boots at that time! ?



Still not entirely finished, but almost there!



Step by step. The belt pouches are not correctly positioned yet ...



With pauldron (not part of my approved costume)



Submission pic #1



Submission pic #2



Submission pic #3



Submission pic #6

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