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ShortTrooper05's RO DeathTrooper WIP

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Hello there.


My name is Sara and I come from Puerto Rico Garrisson. I am a MMCC official member since 2015 and finally got the courage to spend a bit more, cross over, and decided on this build cuz it is custom tailored to the wearer (I am very smol and Jawas arent exactly my jam) and because it looks super awesome (I kinda like armor a lot). Will be updating this thread with the pieces I will be obtaining soon (This month will be pieces from ArmoryShop with the helmet), and the process. I am hopeful that your guidance here will be of educational value to me. Thanks for having me.

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Welcome to the Spec Ops community. There are a lot of great build threads on here. I've just started my build (Jim Tripon's kit) and these folks assistance has been amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a bit troubled as I found that the Doc Martens listed in the CRL are Men sized only. I am 6 W and 4 M (both are kid sizes) in shoes... If I wanted to do a second tier DT I wouldn't be able to cuz of the very specific shoe criteria... What can I do and how can this be worked out?

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Sara, currently there are no other levels listed on the CRL other than "501st Approval" You could contact Imperial Boots and ask them if they can make s set of boots in your size.




One women's size 5 and 7 in stock.

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You are right, though. The specialist will require those boots or an exact match. We wouldn't care if they werent specifically the docs if they matched what was on screen. The biggest discrepancy between the doc Martin's used on screen and other models is usually the boot sole trim.

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  On 6/23/2017 at 12:29 PM, ShortTrooper05 said:
I am a bit troubled as I found that the Doc Martens listed in the CRL are Men sized only. I am 6 W and 4 M (both are kid sizes) in shoes... If I wanted to do a second tier DT I wouldn't be able to cuz of the very specific shoe criteria... What can I do and how can this be worked out?

If you intend to use lifts in the boots it is worth while looking for a larger size as well. The Dr martens website has the talib available from a UK size 3. Unsure if they do international delivery though.


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  • 3 weeks later...

How goes your build? Did you ever find boots that would work for you? Zappo's still has a women's size 7 in stock.

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  • 3 months later...
  On 7/13/2017 at 8:35 PM, Chaos said:

How goes your build? Did you ever find boots that would work for you? Zappo's still has a women's size 7 in stock.


Small update: I bought the boots. Zappo's Talib Doc Martens. They are just about to be delivered to my PO Box. The updates are a bit slow but it is because I live in Puerto Rico and I am struggling to make ends meet to pay for everything when there is hardly any job here thanks to the Hurricane. Thanks for your patience guys. Planning on wearing it to my BA graduation.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 6/11/2017 at 10:45 PM, Darth Emphatic said:

Welcome to spec ops, Sara! I'm looking forward to see how the more compact Deathtrooper turns out.

  On 12/29/2017 at 8:33 AM, nanotek said:

Whoop! That's fantastic news! I am really looking forward to seeing your build!


I am also interested on how the kit will turn out for someone of my size. I hope it doesn't affect the normal DT look.


Thanks for the encouraging words. I will try to be more active in the forum and update you guys as soon as I start working on it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

That is the one on the back? ArmoryShop's kit comes with it. And the belt buckle. Also...


Update time!


My kit is on the way. Got some gloves (any help as to how shorten the thumb?) And I also found Jered boots my size at a ridiculous price.

Will be posting photos of the kit when it arrives.

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  • 2 months later...

AAAAAANNNNNNNDDDDDDD... Sorry for taking too long with the updates. Last semester's assignments are psych ward inducing.


I am now giving you all the progress I have done to this day. Will try to explain what I have done but it will be short and concise since there are 80+ pics. Feel free to comment and give me ideas. Thanks for your encouragement!!! Want to give thanks to 501st members Denis Vorobiev (He is so nice!), Lance, Tara, Rosemarie (they really helped me not get down, faced with mean comments), Jeff Vincent, Jeff Siegle, Jimmy Duvensjo, Forrest Edge, Mark Christiansen, Juan Enrique (one of my garrison's GM's), Carlos Colón (local garrison member and new member of this detachment with his shadow scout), Nick George, Matt Manne, Thomas Maske, and many more! You all have been great to me.


Sooooo my progress starts just before the kit was sent:


I asked Denis to give me a preview of what I was getting and he happily obliged. Luckily, his wife is my size so she modelled the pieces and undersuit. Here they are:


41625352154_21c65fed57_o.jpg27999760_2385923818090440_633511476_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


41625353984_4bf49fbe5b_o.jpg27947173_2385923894757099_463052814_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


The helmet (Which came from Matt Manne as it was too small for him) ended up being too big for me. These are pics taken when the helmet arrived.


42299890192_918dea16ea_o.jpg28278763_10156537956149026_477007655_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


When I test fitted it I ended up looking like a Funko Pop.


42299889992_ac30fd7b79_o.jpg28311962_10156540952739026_10755786_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


42299889922_7f15578770_o.jpg28312297_10156540949519026_452678621_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


42299889802_d8ea43fa0d_o.jpg28417599_10156540952599026_1197570256_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


I talked to Denis and I sent the helmet to another customer whom it fitted well. Denis and I agreed that my head was too small for his smallest helmet and after taking some measurements from my Mandalorian helmet (custom made for my head), he went on to do some work on the 3d model of the DT helmet to print me a smaller one. This is what he came up with and how much smaller the helmet to be done was in comparison to the normal sized one.


41625346674_2e23b85f1a_o.jpg28547485_10156549126314026_1911154940_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


42348423621_f5b5dd2a16_o.png28461187_2410851818930973_2099606496_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


The line almost in the middle of the image is where to bottom of my helmet goes. Yeah, small.


(The helmet pic process will be continued at the end since it is the most recent development)


So I took pics of all the kit's pieces I was given once they came.


41625346354_50f7148ae5_o.jpg28661170_10156574288484026_6191458705370234912_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


42348422811_5f0d116438_o.jpg28782723_10156574288589026_4548286596097170597_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


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And I started sanding them all by hand and fixing some that were too thin. Also fiberglassed them inside to reinforce them as Puerto Rico's heat could easily misshapen them (happened to a few pieces, managed to get them to the right place). Up til now, most pieces are filled except the three my cute dog ate out of separation anxiety. Those three are being printed by a friend that didn't mind helping me with that (the MVP in this build, along with Denis)


42299883002_40f743e9d6_o.jpg30725281_10156696079324026_7817168717300629504_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


40541089270_45e6c4c024_o.jpg30712026_10156696079349026_899996013031325696_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


42299884452_15b70c7272_o.jpg30707639_10156696079354026_3896456921489604608_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


40541089520_7b3c5b6eb5_o.jpg30710220_10156696079369026_5510607353331843072_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


40541089870_675e378321_o.jpg30709093_10156696079454026_7501241690489880576_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


40541089030_471e7be709_o.jpg30713098_10156703726814026_1450960181608316928_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr



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41625340354_c5f60f6845_o.jpg31531299_10156747373439026_1617598672105635840_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr



(Continues on next two posts)

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42299882252_2361e24fc5_o.jpg31542919_10156747373489026_2755995744073678848_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr



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41625358464_fd9f5233d9_o.jpg33041360_10156787909769026_1363893764224974848_n (1) by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr



I also did the thighs but didn't take pics of that. Before the helmet, I want to show you the shoes. These are the Doc Martens size w7 that I found. A bit big but a rolled up ankle sock in each fixes that. No biggie.



42299891972_33d9c47a3c_o.jpg33165998_10156787910774026_6621610007194501120_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr


(Ends in next post.)

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NOW!! My helmet progress! Denis has done an AMAZING job and I can't wait to have that baby in my hands and show it off. I really am happy that I found him. Not everyone is willing to take the time and scale down a whole kit and helmet for just one person and I am really grateful that he did take the time. It is because of people like him that us hobbits can get to dress up so awesomely. <3






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27478799817_e0ae14c847_o.jpg29831126_2474330602583094_932618282_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr






42299888132_764481a172_o.jpg29425316_2454256514590503_8212754309276762112_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr






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41625354884_434dba9a71_o.jpg33432177_2559501657399321_2473090264080580608_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr






And his wife modelling the helmet:






41625355704_5169da827a_o.jpg33227957_2559501330732687_6586938398366236672_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr






Lastly, I am in my last weeks of school so I am putting the kit aside to do projects and last assignments. Will come back soon with more updates. Waiting for the three pieces to come so I can finish sanding and glue so I can start painting. The belt is coming with the helmet, the belt will be also scaled down. Thanks for lasting this long seeing/ reading this post. Will be glad to see your comments. :)

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