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TC-4 Reference Information

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It was brought to my attention that there is a protocol droid that served palpatine.



It basically has the same color as R-3PO except it has the silver accents.

I personally feel it belongs in the spec ops detachment along with triple zero and r3PO

I will be writing up a CRL for it pretty soon and I am also endeavoring on this build. :D

This most likely will be a 1-2 year build.

Let me know as far as detachment placement because we really don't have a separate detachment for the bad robots (protocol droids since they require a human person wearing it) so to speak lol. :D

Ill also be posting some photos as well.

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So I almost forgot. Its about the bad robots (other empire protocol droids) I did a bit of research and there seems to be a large amount of protocol droids that are empire and i am wondering if we should consider maybe taking on the role of housing them here? I keep trying to figure out where they would all go and in honesty unless we create a new detachment for the bad robots i feel they probably have the best fit here.


This might also include the astromech droids as well if they are empire based. I am unsure how the R2 builders club handle droids being built that are empire based maybe find out with them about that.

I do think the protocol droids since they can be worn should be here though at this point. I would really like to hear opinions, options, and see what thoughts are.

There seems to be now a popularization since triple 000 about the bad robots being built.


Looks right up your alley, lol. I am not aware of anyone else working on this. I'd say go for it and we'll look to add it to spec ops roster when the time comes.

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So far, R2 builder club has handled all those droid, no matter which side they are on. I think that will probably stay with them. Considering the electronics involved, they have the expertise. As for empire protocols, if we keep down this path we'll be the logical spot for new ones, but I can also see, if we keep adding new ones, that splitting off into their own detachment would make a lot of sense. Time will tell on that one.

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Ok that is good to know about the astromechs as i wasnt so sure. Definitely dont want to take from them at all. Yeah so maybe if we do start a spot for the bad robot protocols if it gains enough traction they can splinter off to their own detachment i think that would be awesome :D so yeah i will just direct folks here then about the bad robots. do you think we should have a protocol droid section so if can put all of them or just keep posting a new one in here and just go that route?

So far, R2 builder club has handled all those droid, no matter which side they are on. I think that will probably stay with them. Considering the electronics involved, they have the expertise. As for empire protocols, if we keep down this path we'll be the logical spot for new ones, but I can also see, if we keep adding new ones, that splitting off into their own detachment would make a lot of sense. Time will tell on that one.

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