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New too Forum looking to join as a Death Trooper

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Hi guys I am completely new to this trooping.

it has been my dream to join since I herd about it from a friend 3 years ago! He is a Tie Pilot.

I really love the death troopers probably my favorite trooper, and I have been a die hard Star Wars fan since I was 5 years old.

I'm 5.11 and 165lb I spent a good year telling myself I was way too short to be a death trooper but maybe I can pull it off?

I know it's going to take me a while to collect all the parts I need, but am going to start with the helmet!

I have had my eye on the Anovos helmet since they announced it, but was reluctant to pull the trigger due to the 700 dollar price tag. Since that being the only death trooper helmet I could find I was kind of stuck!

Anyway I saw that they is a company called The Armory Shop on Etsy and by the looks of it it seems like it would be an ok substitute!

Has anyone had any experience with them before and are they 501st approved?

Also I would appreciate it so much for any other info on how to get started as I am a total noob

Thank you so much guys

happy new year


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Welcome to Spec Ops! Best of luck with your build :D

Oh btw never feel you are too short or anything else to do a costume. You can do any costume you want as long as you make it to fit you so dont ever feel discouraged!

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Never too short bro. I'm only a smidge taller than you and I'm an approved Deathtrooper. Remember there are plenty of ways to make yourself taller. With helmet on, boots, and shoe inserts im about 6'3"-6'4" all suited. Which only puts me a few inches below the "official" height. Work on getting the suit to fit you correctly and you'll be fine.

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