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Chris G's Death Trooper WIP

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After having my ESB Vader approved a few months ago, I am ready to embark upon my next project.  I'm 6'4" so a Death Trooper seemed perfect.  Here is what I am thinking so far.  I have not purchased anything yet, other than the balaclava, which I have from Vader.  I was thinking of starting with the standard, non-specialist version.  Any and all input is most welcome.  My priority is screen accuracy.

It will also be nice to go on troops where another Vader is already signed up.


Helmet: I was thinking of an Anovos helmet, which looks the most accurate to me.  Does everyone else agree?  There are a couple on Ebay that are available.  Alternatively, I could order one made by one of the independent armor makers along with my armor:---Received

Armor:  I don't like the way the 3D printed armor looks like from a sanding perspective, so that leaves me with fiberglass and two vendors as far as I know: Jim and Plastic Arms Dealer.  They look very similar to me.  Is there any consensus on which is more accurate?  Also a factor is that it will need to fit me.  I am about the same size as the DT actors in Rogue One.  I am not sure if the armor is at that scale or not.  I also see that Plastic Arms Dealer offers a finished (painted) set, which would save many hours of sanding, but I would opt for Jim's if it is more accurate: Plastic Arms Dealer---Received

Undersuit: DarkSideCloset--Order Placed

Shorts: DarkSideCloset--Order Placed

Neckseal: DarkSideCloset--Order Placed

Elbow, Abdominal, and Knee Gaskets: DarkSideCloset--Order Placed

Shoulder Straps: Plastic Arms Dealer--Received

Boots: Like everyone else, I cannot find the Jered, leaving me with either the Talib or the recreated Jered from ImperialBoots.com.  The latter seems more accurate as far as I can tell.  Any reason to get the Talib instead?  Elected to get the Talib: Amazon---Received

Gloves: I looked at the Imperial Boots and Endor Finders versions, and the Imperial Boots version seems slightly more accurate to me.  Is this the consensus?  Since Imperial Boots does not make gloves big enough for me, it's an easy decision: Endor Finders--Received

Balaclava: UnderArmor HeatGear Tactical Hood (Amazon)--Received

Belt: Plastic Arms Dealer--Order Placed 9/22/18

Belt Buckle: Plastic Arms Dealer--Order Placed 9/22/18

Canvas Belt Pouches: TrooperBay.--Received

Leather Pouch: Kerry Alan Rowntree--Received

Holster: Kerry Alan Rowntree--Received

SE-14R and E-11D: Unknown, but I would prefer a metal replica instead of a resin version of each if possible.  I have a DH-17 that's metal (Master Replicas), and I love the way it looks and feels.  As far as I can tell, no one makes a metal version of either one.  Is that true?--Looking into possible Christopher Fieldmarshal Vandenberghe kit to modify an Airsoft for the E-11D.  I can't find an Airsoft or other metal version of the Rexim Favor (base for the SE-14R) yet.  I ordered a 3D print by Jerry Budde.--Received

E-11D: I have ordered an Airsoft Sterling from Evike (S&T / Beta Project Full Steel WWII Sterling L2A1 Airsoft AEG) and an Element M300A flashlight.  I think that  Christopher Fieldmarshal Vandenberghe makes a kit for the rest.  I am going to try to make an all-metal prop.  We'll see how it goes.  Maybe I should make a separate build thread for that.--Received

Sound System: Leaning towards Ukswrath's system.


Again, I look forward to everyone's thoughts.



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If you decide to go with Plastic Arms Dealer, we have a different set of molds for over 6’3” which will fit you better. One of my Squad mates who I built a suit for is 6’5”.  Our fiberglass kits design is cast from Tom Campbell’s files which is what was used for the CRL.  We are now one version 2 of our armor which has a lot of improvements both for accuracy as well as durability when trooping. 

PM me directly if you have any questions  


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You will get many opinions on who's kit is more accurate etc, all of the Maker's listed on this forum kits are approvable with work just like any other costume kit. 

Andy's and Jim's kits are fiberglass resin so you will get more of the details showing than if you went with an ABS vacuumed formed kit. Either of them would be an excellent choice, it really boils down to how much money do you want to spend and how much time you have (kit verses completed options) 

I have Jim's kit as he and Tom Campbell were some the first to offer the DT, Tom offered the 3D files but I did not have a printer at the time. I am very pleased with how well Jim's kit has held up after 20 something troops over the past year. The kits is cast in a flexible fiberglass resin and it really has a lot of flex and give.

I have copied your list and posted who/where I got mine from with any comments I have about each.

Helmet: Anovos' helmet is the most accurate. I used Jims and am very please with how it looks, plus it fits me well, some people have issues with the Anovos as it does have some head size limnitations

Armor:  Jim's complete "regular" kit. He does make a "tall" kit for guys over 6 foot that fits them very well.

Undersuit: Jim offers the complete undersuit, make sure you add about 1-2 inches to your circumference measurements to allow for fluctuation in your own body changes

Shorts: part of Jim's undersuit

Neckseal: part of Jim's under suit

Elbow, Abdominal, and Knee Gaskets: part of Jim's undersuit

Shoulder Straps: part of Jim's kit

Boots: I went with the Talib as I couldn't find the Jered as well. Since you only see the bottom of the boot, it looks exactly like the Jered when covered by shin/calve armor. Plus they are really comfortable. I have heard that the Imperial Boots version does look like the Jered but have also heard that people are having to get a size larger and put comfortable inserts in them.

Gloves: I found a pair of shooting gloves that were an exact match and simply removed the logo. I can't find the link

Balaclava: UnderArmor HeatGear Tactical Hood (Amazon)--Received

Belt: part of Jim's kit

Belt Buckle: part of Jim's kit

Canvas Belt Pouches: part of Jim's kit

Leather Pouch: I made my own but I have seen Kerry Alan Rowntree's and it is a good remake

Holster:  I made my own but I have seen Kerry Alan Rowntree's and it is a good remake

SE-14R and E-11D: I got 3D printed kits from Jerry Budde, they cost less than most of the others and I was able to assemble and paint them easily, plus Jerry hollowed out the magazine and mag well so I could accommodate a battery pack for my electronics. The infill on his kits is thick enough that they are very durable. Metal kits are nice, I think Christopher Fieldmarshal Vandenberghe makes some metal parts that can be used on the airsoft version. I have trooped with metal kits, they are great at holding up against accidental droppings or bangings but after about an hour of holding them they do get heavy.

Sound System: I have UKSWRATH's DT helmet audio system with the bluetooth MP3 player and love the fact that it is all contained in the helmet and I don't have wires running down to my torso and a speaker hanging off my belt.

If you eventually want to troop the "specialist" variant, I made my pauldron and chest rig. There are a few good makers out there for these items, make sure you are getting a DT pauldron as they are slightly different than the normal TK ones.

If you have basic sewing skills I did post a DIY thread with patterns/parts for the chest rig that I made here: https://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/5016-specialist-chest-ammo-pouches-wip/


Best of luck with your build!

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Andrew, thanks. I will send you a PM.

Chaos, thank you so much for all of your insights and resource ideas.  I would then lean to the Talibs on the boots, and I will look into what Christopher Fieldmarshal Vandenberghe has for the weapons.


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I'm starting a build for an all-metal E-11D based on the Airsoft Sterling.  I'll post progress about it here.  I have already ordered a S&T / Beta Project Full Steel WWII Sterling L2A1 Airsoft AEG and an Element M300A light.

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I got lucky and got an Anovos helmet on eBay today.  Things are startling to come together.

My E-11D build is probably going to be the bottleneck.  I have ordered the Field Marshall parts.  So far, I just have the Airsoft Sterling itself.  The parts should be coming in soon.  Once I have everything, I will put up a thread about me trying to put it all together.

It appears that there is no Airsoft version of the Rexim Favor, so is a resin version of the SE-14R the only choice?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I now have all of the parts to build the 3D-printed SE14R and the all-metal Airsoft-based E-11D.  I think I am going to tackle the SE-14R first.  My plan is as follows:

  • Sand with 80
  • Spray Duplicolor Filler Primer
  • Sand with 120
  • Spray Duplicolor Filler Primer
  • Sand with 220
  • Sand with 400
  • Tamiya for Plastics Aluminum
  • Tamiya for Plastics Matte Black
  • Sand some corners with 400 to reveal base coat

I would really appreciate everyone's feedback before actually diving in and starting it.

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  On 10/30/2018 at 4:43 AM, ChrisG said:

I was considering using the TrooperTalk app for audio.  Anyone use it?


I have never used it, I have been using UKSWRATH's DT helmet audio system and love it, I can talk normally and play DT scrambled voice clips without switching back and forth. The system is loud enough to be heard even in loud environments. 

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  • 10 months later...

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