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Armor spare part list gathering

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Hey everyone just gathering old data to over here from the other forum to see about getting a whole suit from Tyranus and spiting the parts among ourselves.


ok so as far as i know


Armor set 1:

Torisempai: Leg armor, Knee/thigh pouch armor

Wolf: Cod/butt, abs plates, chest/back, shoulder straps

Zombie.td: Helmet

izzi: Set of arms (shoulder, fore arms and biceps armor, hand guards)

ELP: drop boxes

TK6294: belt and detonator pieces


I think izzi volunteered to be the main shipper for this batch we just need to discuss prices and shipping. So Izzi if ya contact Tyranus about one set that would be great.



So discussion here would be if anyone wants to try and gather a list I will keep track of the forum and update as armor sets but others will figure out on the price sets and shipping to who stuff


oh and 138 I might have that knee armor for ya but it depends on when I get my stuff I will have lots of spare parts that will heading into the sale section, but most will be white/painted black

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my part's order seems right whats the damage i owe for my share?


I think we need to wait on izzi cause it be shipping from him

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I have a TK that I'll be working on after I get some replacement parts. I asked TupperwareTK about getting some and he once he get's the run of black finished and maybe another run of white that he would probably start making some spare parts and such, so you might not have to order a whole kit. Might want to email him and ask him.

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A price hasn't been named yet, for the armor so I have no clue. Unless we want to start figuring out what percentage of we're buying.


And that's true, Maybe if we take it right to tupperware TK, he'll split up a full suit of armor and ship them straight to us.



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ok i'll send him a mail see where he is going with it


alright got word back:

Hi Mariannie.


I would prefer to sell to one person and have that person divide the kit, that way there is no question that everyone received their parts.


If you can work out a designated buyer that will forward parts on to others that would be best.



~ TupperwareTK

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Hi - I know I'm late to the party, and I know they are small, but I'd chip in for the drop boxes. I will be getting a TX suit but I'd like to modify one of the drop boxes to hold my Ipod (for use at non-501st events) and I'd rather not mess around with the boxes I'm using for my official kit.


If the drop boxes aren't significant enough I totally understand as it'll be a bit of work to repackage and send to Canada for those 2 small things. Or if wolf is looking forward to these then I totally under stand and I'll pick up a white box to play with and I can just paint it black.

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If the drop boxes aren't significant enough I totally understand as it'll be a bit of work to repackage and send to Canada for those 2 small things. Or if wolf is looking forward to these then I totally under stand and I'll pick up a white box to play with and I can just paint it black.



is cool here mate as i am planing on making these parts into a heavy trooper with a mg34 or use my fg42 as a tx sniper rifle as i understand they dont need the drop box's lol



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Wolf: That's great - Thanks. Let me know if your needs change though as you were in line first.

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