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Death Trooper built - questions about boots and 3D blaster stores

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Hi everyone,

My name is Marc. I've been waiting years for the right time to get a costume and join my local garrison (in Ottawa, Canada), and the time has finally come! I just purchased a fairly complete DT armor set + undersuit second-hand from a gentleman in the U.S. who has very similar body proportions to me, so I'll be off to a head start. I'll need to get a few random bits and pieces here for the costume, which I've already sourced, but I'm wondering if some of you might be able to help answer two fairly basic questions (apologies if some / all of these belong elsewhere in the forum - also, I'll be cross-posting these questions over in the spec. ops detachment). 

  1. Do any of you have experience with PremierProps on Etsy? I'm considering grabbing his 3D-printed models of the SE-14R and the E-11D. I've looked at a few other shops and providers and he seems to offer the best quality for the price, but I'm coming at this as a total newb since I have 0 experience with 3d printed stuff. I do have experience painting and sanding from bodywork on cars though, so I'm comfortable getting a "raw" kit. 
  2.  Can anyone recommend boots that meet the CRL requirements? Doctor Marten seems to have stopped making the Talib Brandos, which seemed perfect. 


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On the boots, you basically have two vendor options unless you are going to hunt down similar boots on eBay. 



Keep Trooping has limited sizes and Crow Props custom makes, so they have larger sizes. You can search forums for each. I got mine from KeepTrooping.  


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Hi Marc. 
congratulations on your upcoming death trooper build. 
I went with Marc McLean’s blaster files and found them to be excellent. I am not familiar with the premier props ones however. 

here is the link to Martin’s files 



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