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Vendor Master List - Purge Troopers

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  • The Spec Ops Detachment does not endorse any Vendor over any others. It is up to you the Trooper to do the research and exercise due diligence when purchasing any products from Vendors. 
  • The Spec Ops Detachment does not get involved in any disputes that a customer may have with a Vendor and even though these Vendors are considered to be in “Good Standing,” it is not uncommon for issues to arise that must be worked out between the buyer and seller.
  • The Spec Ops Detachment endorses a “Buyer Beware” philosophy on any and all transactions.

Last updated: TBD XX, XXXX


Purge Trooper Phase I: Commander




Purge Trooper Phase I: Electrostaff Specialist




Purge Trooper Phase II


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