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Shadow Scout WIP - New member

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Hi Guys & Gals, 

Wanted to share the start of my Shadow scout costume as i'm new to the 501st and want to do this thing right 😅

I've attached a WIP piuc of the armour as it was this moring after about 2 weeks of printing. The rear armour is now finished printing (and assembled) and the backpack is printing off now. All I need to finish printing is the thermal detonator and all the printing will be complete. About 3 weeks in total and 7 rolls of filament for those who are interested.

Next step is the thinned down filler putty to fill in the layer lines and patch the joins.

I already printed and "finished" a Tie Pilot helmet as a proof of concept and learnt a lot from that experience, like spay primer is great but dosen't quite fill the lines perfectly it still has a little work to completely finish but will post a pic for those interested.

Anyway thought I would introduce myself and always open to feedback and improvement for the costume. 

I'm based in Brisbane (Australia) and any help getting the soft kit together would be a great help. 




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File are from Galactic Armoury the Rouge One set of scout armour. Also picked up and printed the DLT-19x from 3Demon 

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Managed to get a few hours to myself yesterday and get the Glazing putty on most of the armor. Still have to do the thermal detonator and backpack but the rest is at least started along with the DLT-19x.

Had a bit of a failure with the front chest plates shoulder straps but have welded them together with CA glue and will have to putty them up and possibly reinforce them to ensure they don't break while wearing the costume.

Next big step for the project is sanding.... Lots and Lots and Lots of sanding... 🤪

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