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DT - Jim Tripon Calves and Forearms HELP

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Hello there,

I have Jim Tripon’s DT Armor kit and am really struggling with the calves and forearms. I’ve seen people epoxy both sides together for the gauntlets and that works great for them, but my problem is I am also making two DT kits for my parents, who are approaching 60. 

I would like to make the kits accessible for them (as much as being in a kit of armor can be) and don’t want them straining their hands and feet to get into the calves and forearms. 

My first attempt at this was using magnets. I drilled into the armor and used ABS strips to add magnets to both sides of the valves and forearms. This didn’t really work as it made it difficult to put on without the under-suit getting caught and it wasn’t a very strong bond, with my worry that it would come off during a troop. Additionally, after installing the magnets, I placed the pieces in boiling water to help heat form them, but that caused the gorilla glue epoxy to fail, undoing all the work. This procedure of drilling was only done to my calves and forearms, so I plan to fill the holes with fiberglass resin and restart. 

With the backstory out of the way, here are my questions:


1. What epoxy should I be using with this kit? Mainly the calves and forearms as heat treatment will be needed to properly form it to my calves and forearms. 

2. How did you heat treat your pieces to fit? The forearms were in such a warped shape when I got them, so something needs to be done to get them in a better shape and more comfortable. 

3. How did you connect the two halves of your calves and forearms? Is this a method that you believe would be accessible to individuals who are approaching 60? ( my mom had hand surgery last year so the forearms are my biggest concern)


Thank you for taking the time to read this! 

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Kyle, my kit is a Jimmi one. Tomorrow at work I will put together something for you. If could take some photos of your forearms and shins so I can see what we are working with.

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Thank you @Chaos  Here are some photos:

I’m new to forum posts so I am not sure if I attached them the correct way or if I could have alternated text and pictures.

Some pictures here show the method I was trying to do with the imbedded magnets and the ABS strips, as well as how this failed with the epoxy when I boiled them to heat form.

The most important pictures are the ones that show how they align  the forearms has a lot of curve at the ends that I would want to straighten.  For the calves, when the front edges are held together, there is a ton of overlap in the back.  Finally, when the front and the back of the calves are aligned, the front the back length is small, with the opening being an oval shape, making it uncomfortable/ hard to get on/wear.  I am hoping heat forming will help all of these concerns  










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