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  2. The outermost boxes on each side are also a different shape to the Scout's overbelt.
  3. Cool! Can’t wait to see this in action!
  4. Hey yall! I’ve gotten a good chunk of the pre requisites out of the way for the death trooper. So far I’ve got most of my soft goods here and I’m waiting on the armor, while I did that I built all the blasters. I am terrible at WIP threads and remembering that forums exist, so I have been documenting everything on a google drive that I will link here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1773uhtTGSrNDlyedxpCKOp8qoSw1DC0GrTrbDUNplsU/edit
  5. Boots done! What do you guys think? Action pose:
  6. am I just blind but is the main difference the front of the over belt having only one notch on the right for the strap that leads to the drop box?
  7. In the character description, reading that he is an elite TK made me think he was a SpecOps, like Task Force 99, they are an elite stormtrooper squadron. But I could be wrong.
  8. @RAIDER Haven't driven those knee rivets yet, no worries and will do! (Sorry -- by tank topper do we mean the thin line decal that passes over the tank? Or the greeblie that sits on the top and should be riveted in as well?)
  9. Yesterday
  10. some work before the freeze sets in. I got my pipes set and sanded the hell out of this print and welded the parts of the forward scope assmbly together. Its at the final putty round now, heavy application to make it "rounder".
  11. My guess would be this would end up w/ FISD… @IcyTrooper knows the current process much better than I these days though about how to present a new CRL, getting placement, etc.
  12. @Aesmodan Regarding the tank topper…Kev converted a shadow scout to the weir build, so his tank topper is in the CRL pic (CRL models do not necessarily need to portray the Specialist build…we prefer it but it isnt always possible) as it was already installed for his shadow scout. We allow the topper for Level 1 as there may be (have been) others making the same conversion. However, it isnt present in the comic panels and so it is a Specialist requirement to leave it off. Elastic on the knees dont necessarily need to be riveted in for basic approval. For Level 2, the wording says they should be…not the illusion of being riveted. Think that covers everything you asked about so far.
  13. I dug through my old texts with kev and it looks like he just used velcro on the back plate there to attach the red straps at the bottom. I think thats what you were asking
  14. Theres lots of files out there. cults, thingverse etc
  15. DLT 19 printing is in progress on my bambu printer and I just ordered a E11 holster from Darmans Props
  16. a regular scout belt is approvable at the l1 level for basic approval per the crl There are some differences in the overbelt especially those end boxes. And the whole thing is overall smaller than a regular scout i have the gameplay pulled up on youtube right now watching it. Over Belt The Over Belt consists of 5 gloss black boxes made of ABS or similar plastic, mounted to a leather or leather like waist strap which closes under the thermal detonator. The waist strap is approximately 1.5" (40mm) wide. The over belt is worn around the under belt, so that the top third of the under belt shows above the over-belt. There are special-shaped boxes on left and right of the 3 central boxes which are horizontal in position as seen in reference photos. A total of 8 rivets are present with 2 rivets mounted vertically on the left and right at the edge of the special-shaped boxes. Hanging from the right side of the belt is a hip box made out of hard material. This is connected to the belt by 1.5" (40mm) wide black leather or leather-like straps. The strap is and as long as necessary to allow the box to hang on the wearers right hip. For basic L1 approval a standard Scout style hip box may be approved. The strap is attached to the front of the over-belt through a slot on the right side of the central box. The back end of the strap goes behind the under-belt, to the left side of the thermal detonator. The hip box strap has 1.5" (40mm) quick release buckles on the front and back. Each buckle is attached at the mid point of the strap.
  17. Im doiing mine this weekend, finished off printing Kailees TL50 for her Iden now Im onto Dels DLT. I think I might have the same files, the scope is a LOT of sanding to make it round. The file seemed low-poly. Anyway, good thing I rpinted with like 4 walls so I can burn through walls to make it round. Ill post m own work as I go on my own topic.
  18. Biceps ready and modular! (velcro on T-bits to make red/black swapable): Forearms strapped up with velcro on each side of elastic as well, will place a piece on the flightsuit to anchor them: Belt rivets and velcro in:
  19. hey Ty I downloaded and printed a TL50 for my freind Kaylee she has an Iden and Ill have my Del soon. Im printing my DLT19 now. I have it all printed out, but Im not sure if this is your model or not. It came with a bunch of options including a wood stock remix.
  20. Im thinking of trying to Print it in TPU or Flexible Filament. However I also have the Mr poopy file set is that acceptable also? I may still try a more flexible filament on that
  21. Hi everyone, me again. I was going to post this on the FISD Detachment forum, but while creating the post, I thought it should be better here. Years ago I had my eye on this character from the Force Arena game: TK-7193 Well my question is simple, if I built this suit, would it be possible to create a CRL for this character? It has similarities with the TFU TK which already has a CRL in FISD, but we have some differences in the handplates, shoulders,boots, thermal detonator, "ear" painting, battle damage and of course the black pauldron. Anyway, I have the 3D model available directly from the game as a reference and it would be a simple project compared to Sergeant Kreel. I just need to know if I create this suit, the CRL would be possible.
  22. Last week
  23. Hello, in order to have the shields and baton holster included in the CRL, I would like to open a conversation to achieve it. After watching the episode several times, mainly to obtain the appropriate screenshots, there are a couple of things that stand out to me, as I am sure to many of you. The first of all is that they received advice regarding the use of the different items and how the stunts had to act as riot police. What's more, due to the high "physical" and action content of the episode,even though they are acting, the shields received a harsh treatment and they probably also had received advice regarding the materials and props necessary to give credibility to the scene. In order to have a professional point of view regarding this matter, I have requested opinions from professionals in the police field, and they agree that due to positioning, use of containment tactics, withdrawal and arrest, the stunts have been minimally trained. Regarding as it seems to be ,the material used, both, the holster of the extendable baton and the large shields, maybe it is material for police use, minimally modified to give a "star wars" appearance, as usual ,or custom made meeting the approximate specifications and standards of this kind of pólice material. I have received information about measurements, shapes and materials from various sources... and also carried out searches , what is more I was lucky enought to carry some. https://www.nidec.es/es/escudos-antidisturbios Regarding the baton holster, it is a small item with very little visual impact on the screen so it shouldn't have been very complicated to go for something simple. Several of the riot police who I´d shared the screenshots agreed that it was probably a simple glove holder. Sample: https://www.desenfunda.com/porta-guante-giratorio-en-cuero-parabellum-95165-pa-95165-209699.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiApsm7BhBZEiwAvIu2Xy2Ka5lGoW-2lLydRs9xaMAEuJcVEEY3-O7PXiZlhUItskAKjFS7YhoCWIoQAvD_BwE&utm_source=adtraction&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=adtraction&at_gd=90C7B9B01E546FEAAEDFD926DACA08011DCA9775 To me it seems like that, is very common and easy to obtain police equipment ,or maybe custom made as I said. There are very few clear shots of this item since it is a black item on a black background...in motion...in fact the closest and clearest one we have is during the confrontation , of one belt falling.... SCREENSHOTS: The shield is more complicated , they are objects of great visual impact, close-up filming and surely in the storyboard they were well represented, also on a practical level it is an action scene and should withstand harsh filming conditions. SEE HOW IT BENDS An item with these characteristics must be based on a real model or a real one. I would consider various options: A/Produce the item from scratch in the prop department , or request it to be manufactured and give it the final finish in the studio. B/Buy items with similar characteristics to those needed and modify them until their final form , ¿Second-hand police equipment?. C/Search the studio's wardrobe and props collection for the items they need and modify them ,a fairly common thing. As I have already indicated, after watching the episode several times, I highly doubt that they are resin cast (a common in shields), they receive an amount of "damage" that brings them closer to modified real shields or shields built from scratch but with the same materials than a real one ,in short, we are talking about plastics. After having reached the final design, they can easily have ordered the necessary sheets from any company that works with polycarbonate, with the shape cut, folded, and the geometric pattern already milled or engraved. Doing the finish painting and putting the handles in the studio's prop workshop , regarding whether this can be done. I have also been talking about it with an advertising printing production technician , and he let me know that any large format printing press company dedicated to advertising , usually has the necessary machines for die cutting, bending and machining, methacrylates, ABS, forex, polycarbonate, etc... .. https://www.brettmartin.com/images/default-source/plastic-sheets/industry-case-study-images/application-spotlight-images/fabrication-spotlight-1-police-riot-shield-600x350536b1923-1dd9-4445-9b6d-885aaeced6c2.jpg?sfvrsn=61fcc077_15 https://www.brettmartin.com/ Obviously it's my opinion and I'm opening this thread to get more points of view, it would be great to have first hand information from someone who was on set. there are 16 large shields and 4 small shields. The width of the front part seems to be the same measurement, however on the large shield the "wings" seem larger and with fewer degrees. The height of the small shield seems to be the size of the large one WITHOUT the "window", in such a way that the geometric shape could use the same template for both, adding the small "wiew slot". Using chatgpt ,with the measuraments of the my buckle as a reference of a real item and superimposing a layer on the most complete photographs and then leaving only that layer: SCREENSHOTS: On the back there are not many screenshots available, but there are enough of the support elements that must be assumed common for the two shields and it is clearly seen that apart from the handles, the foam/forex, are painted in black. the handles on the left look like a kayak ones: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Kayaks-correas-moldeadas-extremo-paquete/dp/B009DF8PIC/ref=sr_1_4?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ivbQnwpozrpCiX3bxGAUn0wgZhqjR4H_M-x6sGJMUiVqRSo2GZDHX0xF_i6fSJmKpepCtL4xZ-WLMyQDFSTrPcDVF9_1e2XMdSST5nvEzfznmLIf29eAJR1P3efXh_jPah9Qg8Sme4I_TPbzR5YlcXRrGvU3k-HkIAghdAvmYkEPImuqXJ8qYxjk3ZnBi0BlOzMBT52gdbbY3yN-q7cSOfpPu-rmqA0ZGMvvPUyNJxEBoxtQCDb0xI4Xs4asELSP26DypOUCzQxQ6InxVcmYkFtN_-QgBKA4jN8AFfB12d93IWMRdOJ9xsQgqI7fAsXetMiebpXfcce1skwmec4NBTXoz60J6CadTskQZzCv1uFijx6NOAFWonHen8V-xPt1G0woIbWQMR7LJw0mSPnerXuASiGdv-E1w0_8RdEyNzCrBg8dpRcBVrjkF9IoeXLn.q3yknZ7_RJ51Pkv74CypE2oe4UyrNyPEK4TDk3KRx_Y&dib_tag=se&keywords=kayak+handles&qid=1737135103&sr=8-4 The handles on the right look something like this : https://www.amazon.com/-/es/tiradores-cuadrados-plástico-gabinete-equipaje/dp/B07YCGWBBM/ref=sr_1_8?__mk_es_US=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=18TZLCQZITBKI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.J59q79WhD6nDUH7LKN6CJ549WYEBc8zn0N6e3POaGcizcZTvXsCKAVIJiakJdMwtrZFjHyAiVICToRIjon972qukfr1tNz2G3Q1ff11GJRrgaExsafiyT-0Cvzp-M7R8CVBgxh9LVjK6VRlkmmZB-M7hLGYWAZAhfOF8tuOuoJkk6RYFY_p4lvOUaVZ-Clc2DncE9b17YymM6hcq4_nEhR_iOKJDbIrWsFmOs752a9RglTNzzpLYRLFTqa3VReisCUQrbUXYGC_9PvA1Wn4NSqPfT4ENMdtgi1QYiQWm0xnrv2Pji4Dtch9kKuuP_fmfVqjt-p5pSrqArtroodHXiKDahpgiWCy4VqBVJcT3BEGXBc6Y_uvoa-nFhVXR7fp7ciUMPvCJ-ogbXt2GtZqRZc6b4dZTHJ7rRpNKoNY66qEEPTz2eDwVKm2n0BAtQYzX.arjk57vTrwMOmFVQSro4ycKmQAmzlBtXyx7MZWxP4WM&dib_tag=se&keywords=plastic+black+handles&qid=1737135532&sprefix=plastic+black+handles%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-8 SCREENSHOTS: EDGES AND MAYBE LAYERS? In my opinion they are two constructions of 2 millimeter polycarbonate or something similar, composed of two layers. One of the layers (the one on the back) with the high-density foam/forex supports, with the handles attached ,another layer (the one on the front) with the engraving, the two layers attached with glue and painted black. In the case of the large shield and since it is the first line, everything is also joined together by the 4 screws that can be seen. I await your ideas and/or opinions. As soon as we agree on some measurements and some details, I can make them.I have embedded the photos in the forum to the best of my ability/knowledge.Sorry for my use of English, I hope all the text is understandable, I'm a little rusty. If the moderators consider it appropriate to move this post to another thread, let them do so. Likewise, I can provide moderators access to a folder with the screenshots in case they consider it appropriate to upload them to the thread. Greetings.
  24. Bandolier a bit fiddlie to mount, but I've established the way it will work: (Thermal det is done and on the side there). Velcro added to the back breastplate's base, and the cummerbund just below the forward plate to hold the 2" webbing. Added more black to the bandolier to make it look weathered/battle-damaged on the lower, plain boxes there but I'm not sure I like it and will probably re-paint them. Velcro added (hidden) to the front and back of the small rectangular box below the box with the backwards "L" to keep the crossed bandoliers in place -- works well. I tried suiting up and this layout is solid and it won't rattle around. The bandolier boxes have all been backed with thick red felt. Need to bring in the flight suit (black Red Cap) so it's less baggy before I start on the suede saddle -- this guidance from PFs is great: https://forum.501stpathfinders.com/topic/19259-undersuit-mods/
  25. im really interested to see how the belt prints out. I need to print a regular scout belt for my shadow and Im using mr poopys files, but i havnet run it yet. Im curoius if it will be flexible at all.
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