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rottie last won the day on July 29 2018

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About rottie

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  1. Guys. As most if not all of you know Sebastian Runs this ...NOT WTF i know it’s got my name and all. And believe me I am regretting that now I have been in contact with Sebastian At this point I will ask him for ALL the army patches and mail them myself but I don’t know who has what or how many So I do have a Facebook chat going with people that have the armor kits. So I can give them updates as I get them we are all trying to help Sebastian Get through a very hard time We all want him to come out of this. And stress is one thing the doctors said stay away from. So I have been trying to take the brunt of it
  2. Or belt buttons. That will tell if it's. wtf The color looks like it
  3. well I would say your at the max y would have to him the sides AM armor may be a better fit
  4. Coming along nicely!!!! Yes. Get a hold of your local Garrison
  5. Hey guys!! Walt here. He has the sample now and will match the armor!!!
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