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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by chrish1971

  1. Yep will do thanks for reminding me
  2. My new gloves have arrived
  3. Always happy to help if I can
  4. If you send them an email which is what I did he will send you a price and measurement chart I didn't know he did the swamp trooper until someone else mentioned him to me as initially I was only after the boots... I'm also going to be doing a crimson trooper I already have the armour it's trimmed and just needs putting all together
  5. So I thought I'd add a little update my gloves from wampawear have arrived I need to go and pick them up from the post office this morning.. And I didn't say that I'm getting all the the armour helmet and soft parts from chefs creations here in the UK I placed the order coming up for a week ago tomorrow so I still have a while to wait
  6. Thanks for the welcome im really looking forward to getting this costume done
  7. Thanks.. I'm looking forward to doing it... One of the reasons I did decide on the swampy is because I've never seen one here in the UK Thanks I appreciate the welcome in looking forward to getting it all together
  8. Hi guys I'm going to be doing a swamp trooper I have the hard and soft parts being made for me apart from the gloves I have purchased those from wampawear the hard and soft parts I've ordered will take around 3 months to get to me
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