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Darth Voorhees

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Everything posted by Darth Voorhees

  1. yea it really sucks because i was almost there.... but yes, once i have a dayjob again and my costume prop stuff becomes a supliment again rather than feedng us, i will likely start this again.
  2. aaaaand guess what? I have to sell this :/ Finances arent good on the homefront right now and its in our best interest fro me to let all my unfinished projects go. So i will be putting it up for sale in the next few dfays. If someone is interested now, feel free to PM me for more details. :/
  3. Still going..just very slow. :/ So far the chest, shoulders, fore-arms, tank, knees and helmet are all painted. Im usung my regular scouts jumpsuit and vest, so thats taken care off. I do still need to make the cummerbund, pouches, and tBoots. Bi-ceps, belt, back, and drop boxes still need to be painted. Got lots goin on, but i didnt forget about this!
  4. I am also always gappy to help! hahaha Well, nothing more to show, but hoping next week some time i can get the shoulders and chest sanded and painted
  5. i know i know..see i told ya it would be slow moving lol I did however, sand and paint the knees today. So i have the tank, helmet, knees and forearms done. Still have a little ways to go, but hey..im a busy fella lol
  6. I actually need to get back on this! Been busy with other projects....but i have not given up! I may paint up another armor piece tomorrow since i'll be painting stuff all day
  7. Thanks Nick! I got the forearms fixed and painted last week, but havent had a chance to take a pic. Hoping to get a little more done in the coming week
  8. haha well my normal pace, if i had nothing else to do, id be working on it nonstop for 3-4 days and it would be almost done lol. The helmet was built a while ago, so i just needed to paint it . Everytime i work in the shop, the end of the day is 1 piece from this to get fixed/sanded/painted.
  9. Ok so before i painted the helmet i added earth magnets to hold the face plate closed. I have this on my LW on my regular scout, and i did it on my wifes KS as well. It works great so i wanted to do it again. Here is where i put them. Then i sanded the entire helmet with 400 grit sandpaper, and then 600 grit. I wiped it down with a paper towel that was dampened with #1 novus. It repels dust so i get a clean finish. Pictures are'nt doing this justice, but here's what it looks like
  10. Im hoping so! I managed to get the helmet painted today, but i left it in the shop to fully cure, i think it looks better than the hump...i may do a light sand on the hump again and shoot another coat of satin on it. I'll have pics of the helmet tomorrow
  11. i know this is slow moving, but hey i got clients stuff to finish too lol! So i got my black vinyl for the boots, cotton webbing for the drop boxes and chest/back connection, black nylon webbing for the belt and some velcro and the 4 clips for the drop box straps (not pictured) . I also painted the first piece of armor satin black. I sanded off the wrnkle, and glued behind it to make sure it doesnt split. I sanded the entore piece with 60grit, then 100, then 220 then 400. Then i primed it. Hit it with 0000 steel wool, primed again and then shot 2 coats of fusion satin black.
  12. looks great! I did a similar quick fix to my scout bund and its much better. When i do the one for the TX i will likely do it the same. Is it still sewn to the bund or a separate piece you velcroed on. Im gonna guess you didnt sew it to the vest or anything that extreme lol.
  13. Id say yes, or vise versa. Im going with satin armor, but dunno if i like the idea of a gloss snout. was hoping if it was completely flat it would work.
  14. Ok so...first armor pics lol... Here is the box o parts! So most of the parts have very little "waves" in the plastic..light sanding would take out quickly. Then there wer these that are a little worse, but still, fixable I forgot to take a pic of the one forearm part that has super crazy orangepeel. It almost looks like acid burns. I kind of like it, but im going to guess i cant leave it, especially if i decide to go specialist. I'll post a pic of that tomorrow. Overall this isnt bad at all. the helmet is a KS, that I mostly built, i'll snap pics of that tomorrow also. Question... Can i have an all black snout piece? Not so fond of the grey on the black helmet. I may want to go specilaist, so keep that in mind, although that would be an easy part to swap out if nbeed be Also i glued the belt togther. One of the outer boxes was crooked so i did my best to make it straight when i attached it and just trimmed it to be as straight as possible. heres the full belt. Side pieces glued on from the back to hide as much of the seem as possible.
  15. Oh i can, i just figured i had these other ones laying around so why not get use out of em. There is the fear of my forgetting the gloves in the other costume though also lol. Ive done it with my Aker amp so much, i decided to just buy another one lol
  16. i just messaged them and apparently they stopped making them...sigh..oh well. Was hoping to help out a few members on a budget, but they only have XS in stock and then they are gone. The do run big though. I usually get a medium and the smlls fit me well. A touch snug but they'll loosen up. I'll likely just use my sitharmor gloves from my regular scout for this one.
  17. haha dunno if im gonna have it done for that just cuz i still have alot of commission jobs to finish up. I also am in the middle of upgrading a bunch of Fett stuff as well. But my regular Scout is coming with me to C7 Has anyone seen these? They arent dead on but are pretty close! If we cant get a hold of our usual makers, they look like they would be a viable option, or good for a budget build. Right now they only have size small but they usually have all sizes. They are 9.99 free shipping! Not sure of the quality, but i mean for 9.99..... They are on e-bay from seller longlifeleather Search their listings for : Mens Leather Motorcycle Biker Gauntlet Gloves New All Sizes #1003 Would these pass muster for basic shadow scout? I ask because i have em, and i like that they are slightly different than the usual scout gloves. I would of course add the suede and remove the strap. I have my sitharmor gloves for my regular scout i can still use, but was just curious about what you guys thought of them over here. For 9.99 you cant go wrong.
  18. Ok i ordered black vinyl to do the boots. I have a pair of black work boots i was using for my Jason Voorhees costume, but i rarely wear that and i should have a different style boot anyway, so they are going to the shadow scout instead I have plenty of black elastic and webbing and I grabbed the KS helmet from the same guy i got the armor from, so i am all set now...just gotta get it painted and together!
  19. Thats what i got...SC b-pulls. Some parts have a little orange peel, some parts have wrinkles at the edges or a little wave in the plastic. Definitely useable. The worst part of what i have is one of the outer belt parts the "block" is pulled crooked, so i had to fudge it a little to get it straight. Its not perfect, but it not noticeable unless you really really look. The box part looks straight it just ended up the top edge on the end where you would put the rivet is very slightly sloped downward. As for the jumpsuit, i think you could use it if you remove the pockets. You'd have to add the suede/elastic on the legs though.
  20. Will do...but honestly i doubt i will ...been wanting to do this build for a while Also..looks like im grabbing his KS helmet as well super stoked:D
  21. hahaha apparently. Too bad most of my Garrison doesnt see that..but eh, haters gonna hate lol. The detachments are much more embracing to me. Yea man ive had this thought in my head for a LONG time, but i just havent had cash for it. A garrison mate decided to sell that seconds SC armor for so cheap, i had to jump on it!
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