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In Memoriam[501st]
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Everything posted by xanthis02

  1. Paint: Gray humbrol # 5 Gloss Black Humbrol # 21
  2. Love my boots but you have to order 1 size up very pleased with them all their ordering details are on the site another plus is your botts come in cloth bags so you don't scratch your armor
  3. You don't need to paint boots anymore i got my Magma boots here http://www.imperialboots.com/
  4. I ordered my first anovos shadow kit when they first went on sale i'm sure they used the same mold as they did for the TK my frown on my bucket didn't look too bad
  5. Not for long Jason i just received my white trooper from Anovos today i should be getting my shadow trooper within the next month or so i already have a Magma Trooper south TX needs more spec ops love
  6. I ordered a set of white and black received mine back in dec
  7. finished suit it's the pvc one given to them but it's the same as the ABS one will be and frank walking around dcon with it http://www.tested.com/art/541136-testeds-walking-tour-dragoncon-2015/
  8. yet again butt plate lol hand plates rubber, plastic? and yet again just my opinion but should have the option of hero build not all like the stunt
  9. butt plate belt plastic cloth similar shiny material? also as personal opinion i think it's wrong to force people to do a stunt helmet we should have an option of hero as well
  10. Got my boots in they're comfortable i'll see how well they do when i troop my Magma next
  11. Just ordered a pair said will be mid march before they start on them i wear a US 12 he suggested get a 13 a garrison member wears a us 12 and ordered a pair of 12 TK he said their a bit tight and wished he'd known and gotten 13's just FYI
  12. http://www.whitearmo...tk-boots-by-ib/ these guys over on FISD are making magma boots here is their official website they don't have the magma boot pics up yet just look at their white ones their the same http://imperialboots.com/#
  13. to be honest my magma is a white suit painted it's very time consuming to maintain if you can source a black plastic suit i would to anwser your question you paint after it's fitted though also are you signed up on the va garrison boards
  14. looks like your dad had a good time as well we just need to get him in a better costume
  15. http://www.amazon.com/Eastwood-Rubber-Plastic-Restore-Conditioner/dp/B008AVAU2E this is what you need a penetrating conditioner or any penetrating restoring conditioner as toddo said goo gone and goof off are derived from orange peel mildly acidic but safer and just a polish with novus will bring back the shine on applying the conditioner let dry repeat you want to do this with multiple coats to get it to sink in also on your build always post as much information as possible no detail is too small because were human we make mistakes but some of us may help you avoid a costly one as your now experiencing hope this helped
  16. you are correct krud cutter cures most plastics basicly dries it out causing it to become brittle if you had posted what you used to clean your armor i could've advised to use plastic conditioner to keep it from drying out we learn in this hobby so now you are aware take it as a positive keep on going Mike
  17. good luck on the build and please hide that horrid rubies Jango in the closet never to bee seen again
  18. looking good Torri i'll get my shadow trooper assembled eventually
  19. you seriously need to clean that mirror before the sefies and yeah looking good
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