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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by DarthDyer76

  1. You guys will be glad to know that I found out the identity of this seller, thanks to a connection in my local garrison... turns out this guy has a reputation as a recaster and sells his stuff on eBay... I thought they tried to run those guys out of the Legion if they were recasting armor?
  2. Well, I wanted to ask the people who would know better than me... it sounded like a great deal, but if it's a great deal for crappy armor, then it's not worth it... I'd be spending more to get REAL armor eventually... If I'm going to do something, I want it to be quality...
  3. It took him more than a week to actually send the pictures, so I had a funny feeling all along... thanks, guys...
  4. I'm already on the waiting list for an ATA kit, so I'm not too worried... and I have another costume I'm already working on... just wanted to get some opinions...
  5. No, this is armor that someone else is selling... he tells me that there is still excess to cut off of a lot of the pieces, and that's the extent of what I can tell from the pictures...
  6. So I got connected (via another 501st member) with a guy who was interested in parting with some ATA armor for a black trooper, and after playing mail tag and requesting photos multiple times, he sends me these tonight... the picture quality is not the best, but I need to know what everyone thinks? I had to combine them in photoshop, or I would have taken up the whole page with pictures... LOL Since you guys are the experts, you'll know better about what's there (and potentially not there)... just want to make sure before I get too excited...
  7. I saw the thread from arakyel, and his helmets look awesome. My only concern is if you get the padding, is there still room in the bucket to make the mods you need (fans, mic, etc.)? I thought it might be a good idea to get the bucket first and work on all that extra stuff, since there is a long wait time for the full armor.
  8. I definitely want to do a TX trooper, and I've contacted some of the folks who were recommended on this board. Here's my issue: I'm a short guy (5-8, 170ish), so another 501st member suggested I look into AP armor. But I don't have a contact? I have an ATA quote and waiting to see if there is black kit from the AM guy I was given. Can anyone offer suggestions? I realize it's a preference thing, but I just want to make the most educated decision, when the time (and the funds) come...
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