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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Apok

  1. Looking great Mr Snifter. You build great stuff mate. Can't wait for this to be finished.
  2. Yeah Ty the suspense is killing me!!!! What's the 411....ok my street talk is pretty crap.
  3. Nice one Ty!!! Time to add another to the collection. Glad you did it first. I thought it was grey not silver. Looks awesome mate!!
  4. Ah now I see it. Good one. No idea what it is or where to paint that one.
  5. Where? I only see reflection of light off the armour.
  6. Apok

    New Nova Trooper

    Legendary Muppet thanks mate. Just remember for the back of the helmet the gold between the two trap indenst is only meant to be about 3/4's the height of the traps. Do not make the same mistake as me. Takes forever to rectify and is really hard to get the paint fixed when you do it on ABS. Hope that makes sense and helps.
  7. Apok

    New Nova Trooper

    I will try and get some pics ove rthe next couple of days. Flat chat with real life at the moment and organising DW2012 here in Oz. Going to have about 100 troopers there hopefully. Plus I sort of have to find my camera.....here little fella. Where are you????
  8. Apok

    New Nova Trooper

    I guess I must be the other Nova then izzi haha. More than happy to help if you need it. Take your time with the painting and it will come up sweet. I was lucky though to start with a black ABS kit for mine.
  9. Hey Ty,

    Thinking of getting another suit of black. My Garrison is the Redback Garrison and I think I will do the Nova Medic for this armour.

    If it is ok can you PM the colour of the red that is to be used for the Medic. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thought you might like the company in the ranks as well.



  10. Welcome fellow Magma. How many does that make now?? Great to see some more red in the awesome world of troopers that live in the shadows!!!!
  11. That could be the next one as it is only a helmet really....possibly. Back to the thoughts of beer.
  12. I think this was a first for OZ and so was my Nova. Totally stoked and thinking what is next haha...Oh thats right DW2011 and then a break. And then a beer...or ten.
  13. Well it is all approved!!!!!! Yippee!!!! Just have to touch up a couple of unpainted bits under the armour that are showing and repaint (Ugh!! Begining to hate that word) the det tube and it all good to go. So you will be seeing good old Maggers at the DW2011. On a side note who has a Magma trooper around the world? The club is growing haha. One very happy Apok
  14. Might just have to do that. Got some black ABS ready to form....methinks I have another project...as long as my Magma is approved haha.
  15. Don't talk to me about being singed haha. I repainted the whole suit again because the Emperor thought I was a wee bit too toasty already haha.
  16. It's a dusk grey but I have a neutral grey which I painted the teeth with. Could use that....more taping and painting....NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Will see what the powers that be say.
  17. Here are the pics. Hope you all like them. Man was this a mission!!!! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20817199/Apok%20magma%20action.JPG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20817199/Apok%20magma%20front.JPG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20817199/Apok%20magma%20back.JPG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20817199/Apok%20magma%20right.JPG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20817199/Apok%20magma%20left.JPG
  18. Hey Muppet the det tube is grey but due to the flash and the lights in the garage it looks a little whiter than it is. Yep just noted the white bits. Will add the paint to it in the next couple of days. Fingers crossed indeed.
  19. Approval pics sent. Will post up some pics when I finish teaching tonight. Oh yeah!!!!
  20. Right still going the boots to paint, shoulder straps, helmet (tube stripes, bolt together, black stripes on the ears), ab buttons to be attached and buttons painted and that is it. Fingers crossed approval pics on Wed.
  21. Still got the boots to paint and some minor webbing. Building the helmet today as I finished the painting last night. Thermal det attachment to the belt as well. Fingers crossed it will be finished tonight. Pics are coming but I don't have the time to mess around at the moment.
  22. Ran out of glue dammit. Still got to paint the boots as well and the details on th helmet. DW2011 is looming.
  23. Thanks team. Going to slow down for the next two days but hitting hard agin on Thursday and Friday. Hope to have the approval pics done on Sunday night. DW2011 is taking a massive amount of time at the moment.
  24. Well here are some pics of the armour being prepped and painted on my makeshift paint drying area. Hope you are all happy with the pics. Finished suit by the end of the week.....with more pics Sanded AB plate ready for painting. Armour all sanded and minor repairs done. Not the awesome weathered finish that is about to be covered over...sigh! My makeshift spray booth....area....whatever. Armour with the sanded and repaired bits painted black to cover up the white that came through Armour after it has been painted. Nice and red and shiney. Big thanks to Tachyon for helping post the pics. I will be getting a photobucket lesson later in the week. Gotta have this done so it can be approved before DW2011.
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