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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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Scubacat last won the day on January 8 2024

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About Scubacat

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  • 501st Garrison
    Mountain Garrison

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  • Costumes
    Shadow Stormtrooper
  • TotM Datestamp
    Apr 2014

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    art, scuba diving, skiing, traveling

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  1. Looking awesome! I love the look of everything so far.
  2. I have recently come across a rubber CA glue that I have used and found out that it can be flattened. You might be able to push the edge of each piece of the cowl together and back it with either a thin strip of extra cowl material and use something to hold them together while the glue dries, then use a rubber like paint to cover up the seam. It might take time and a few tires on scrap pieces to get the exact look, but it might work out for you. I hope that this helps out. Keep up the amazing work! ❤️ This kit is on my long list of ones I want to make myself.
  3. I know the feeling! It has been raining constantly here on and off so it is making it hard to get layers of paint down. Keep up the great work!
  4. Looking great! I was looking at the vinyl and there is a type of stretchable vinyl that I can’t remember the name of that I have used in the past helping out a friend with making a full leather looking tunic, but this tunic (for medieval times) had layers to it. We took sone foam and cut the shapes we wanted underneath and then stretched it and slowly glued down the parts we wanted to stay. It might work for the mouth piece but then I think you would want it to transition it to the more sturdy vinyl. You could possibly but up the sturdy type to the greblie you made and cover both with the stretchable and thin type. Not sure if it would work though.
  5. Nice! Doing great! Keep up the great work!
  6. I couldn’t agree more! They look awesome! I plan on getting a few. Lol.
  7. You got this bro! Even mistakes are progress because it means we are learning. I can’t wait to see more! It looks awesome and I think I will be building one of these in the future myself. ❤️
  8. I was looking at this site and also saw that there were a cold weather version and a swamp version too?
  9. So I know this might not even be fully close to approval on variations, but these are based on the troopers for the game. Some have some very interesting add ons to them, but mostly stick to the basic design.
  10. Lol I am just seeing that now too……I will have to figure that out. It is saying I have used all of my attachment space or something. I told him that it isn’t exactly red and he thought it was, but he still likes it which is good. He loved contrasting colors.
  11. Looks awesome! Keep up the amazing work! I recently got this helmet to hone fully one day make this kit as well. I have always told all of the local snowies here that the only way they would get me into a kit is if it were for Spec Ops…..and so this is close enough. I also love anything with a flamethrower! I look forward to seeing this ! You should totally get a lot of sanding with extra hands to help! Lol.
  12. So……I honestly don’t know if my boyfriend has signed up fully or made his own build thread on here, but we are making a lot of progress on different kits lately. He is wanting to make a Novatrooper medic. For Christmas I was able to buy him a few cans of the exact paint color for the “red” that that have in spray paint form. That, just to even start a production of the paint was up there. We are converting a normal white TK that I was able to get for shipping only. We are all done with the strapping and forming to him for the most part, so ignore the gap on his back. Next this weekend we hope to finish his arms and legs. Then all the painting! He loved it so far and when I told him about what I did, he wanted to join. I didn’t even tell him about Spec Ops before he chose to be one of us! 🥰 I will try to keep up a build thread for him.
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