So……I honestly don’t know if my boyfriend has signed up fully or made his own build thread on here, but we are making a lot of progress on different kits lately. He is wanting to make a Novatrooper medic. For Christmas I was able to buy him a few cans of the exact paint color for the “red” that that have in spray paint form. That, just to even start a production of the paint was up there. We are converting a normal white TK that I was able to get for shipping only. We are all done with the strapping and forming to him for the most part, so ignore the gap on his back. Next this weekend we hope to finish his arms and legs.
Then all the painting!
He loved it so far and when I told him about what I did, he wanted to join. I didn’t even tell him about Spec Ops before he chose to be one of us! 🥰 I will try to keep up a build thread for him.