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Everything posted by thisiskevin

  1. Messed up with the post... Somehow the text comes in the middle of the photos Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. These are the things i've finished. If things goes as planned, i'll finish the bucket tonight. Need to repaint the visor hood after gluing it to the face plate Strapping wise, ive followed the Lancer strapping guide. If i mess up somewhere please do tell me though! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Yep! And boots is the last piece i need to do... The rest are finished! Will post the rest or the items here later Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. My shoe size is US 10.5. These are sweet! But the shipping cost is way high ($44 for the ebay one). If i cant find one locally i'll have to grab them i guess... Thanks a lot for the help Jim! 😃 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Any brand of hiking boots you can recommend? I'm having a hard time finding one with the right soles here in indonesia... Most likely I'm gonna have to get it from eBay :/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. For the ridges is it possible to sand it or cut it so its flat? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Ah and the ridges, sorry got a bit too excited! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Ah because of the folded part yea? I will look for the pampa hi then. As long as the sole is good then its good! Thanks a lot man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Hi Guys! I'm currently in progress of doing a TX Scout, i've got all the hard part and bund done (flight suit, flak vest and gloves i'll use my TB's) For the boots i'm thinking about making 1 from scratch, however i'm having difficulty of finding the base for the boots (the joy of living in Indonesia). Will this boots be OK for the base? I went to hardware store and other places, but i can't find the one with right sole... It pains me a bit if i have to sacrifice this one, but for the glory of the Empire i guess. Hope to hear from you guys soon! Cheers, Kevin
  10. Hi Guys! Sorry for the slow update, finally finished the whole thing! (well i still need to weather it down, but i'll do it after i finish my TX! ) All comments and critics are very welcome!
  11. Btw Ty, can you please tell me the length of the flash hider? I think mine looks a bit too long ya? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Hi guys! finally got the chance for an update! I fixed the measurements based on the info given by Ty. After this i'll start painting it Any critics are welcome! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Thanks a lot Nick! Sorry for the late reply, had a trooping event that went on until 11pm yesterday... way too buggered to do anything else now... Regarding the measurements Ty, can i please confirm this: Other than this i think it looks alright... will start on it again tomorrow
  14. Hi Ty! Thanks a lot for the info! That photos that you posted will help A LOT! If its not a hassle, can i please get the measurements of the parts that i drew on the picture? Those 2 bits are the ones that i'm really concerned with =\ Once again thanks a lot man!
  15. Thanks Jim! Do you think the measurements looks alright? I'm gonna try to work on it this weekend
  16. Hi Guys! I hope i'm posting this in the right place (i haven't seen a weapon thread yet!) Anyway, i'm currently in the process of building a DC-15x sniper rifle from scratch based on Marcel's build. He uses both wood and metal with his build, however i'm only going to use wood so it'll be lighter (and easier to work with personally speaking) I made this with only the original MG42 measurements to start with, and the rest of the small details with only what i can see from Marcel's post. Somehow i get the feeling that the measurements is a bit off and it feels a little bit bulky (well using a machine gun as a sniper rifle might be one of the reason ). Would really love to hear some critics from you guys so i can improve this quickly. I would love to get it done for the local comic con
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