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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Graysheel

  1. Wanted to say Congratulations to you on your appointment as our DL!  Looking forward to the new year and all that you will be doing for Spec Ops as a whole!!

  2. I have a quick question. I am a fully approved Shadow Trooper but one thing I dont like about the build, and I am being picky, is my knee gap. I am between 6'2 and 6'3 and weight about 185 lbs. I have an ATA kit that I love but just don't like the gap. Does anybody have any suggestions to reduce this gap? Do any other armor makers offer longer shins and thighs? I would even buy some TK parts and have them painted. If they were longer. Any ideas / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jeff
  3. Greetings everyone. I have a couple questions for those of you that have went this route. I am interested in purchasing the twin MP40 ammo pouches for my belt and was wondering two things. Which looks better and better quality...leather or canvas? Where are some good sources to purchase these pouches? Thanks for your time and input. Jeff (Graysheel) TX-60473
  4. Quick question. I am a newly approved Shadow Trooper and today was my third troop. I have ATA armor and am between 6'2 and 6'3. The armor looks great and fits awesome other than this gap. Now all I see in any picture is the shin to thigh gap. I really notice it when I stand next to shorter TK's. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to lessen the gap? Thank you for any help, Jeff (TX 60473)
  5. I am working on my first build and it is for a TX Shadowtrooper. I have a buddy of mine who is already in the 501st with an approved TK Stormtrooper. He said that the ears for my helmet may not work. Two sets came in my ATA kit. I love my kit and the build is coming along just fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jeff.
  6. Sounds good guys, thanks for the quick response. I will also look at the FISD boards like was mentioned above. Thanks, Jeff
  7. Hey guys and gals, I have a quick question for you. I would like to know where some good places to purchase gloves for my TX build. I know that the real screen accurate gloves were made out of rubber or laytex. That is fine and dandy, the only problem is that I live in south Florida where the temperature and heat can be ridiculous. All of you who live or troop in Florida can attest to that. With the humidity being so high, I don't want to have gloves that just fill up with sweat on outdoor troops. So the question of the day is......are there any alternatives that are 501st approvable gloves that might be cooler, or at least allow the hands to breathe a bit? If you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated and if you have a link to a site, that would be even more awesome. I thank you all very much for the continued help and support of me while I ride this crazy adventure of building a TX! Thanks, Jeff
  8. Thanks a lot guys for the information. I forgot to look back at the CRL on the 501st main page. I see it plain as day right there....black tube stripes only. Duh! Anyways....thanks again!
  9. Hey guys and gals, I am currently working on my TX build and was trying to decide which tube stripe color choice I will go with. I know I want the mirrored lenses with the silver frown. Does anyone have pictures of any TX buckets that have those color choices that I had mentioned above? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Jeff
  10. Rough trim on my TX finished!

  11. Rough trim on my TX finished!

  12. Rought trim on TX finished.

  13. This sounds great AL.....This points me in the right direction! Thanks again. Jeff
  14. Awesome guys. I love this forum.. I am a complete noob and the quick and responsive help and feedback I get is awesome! Thanks again! Jeff / (GRAYSHEEL) / Jediberserker73
  15. Thanks for sending me the link. I appreciate the help! Jeff / (GRAYSHEEL) / Jediberserker73
  16. I am starting my ATA TX build and was at an armor party a few weeks ago. Somebody there also had a TX set of armor and he had ordered it fully trimmed, and fully polished. His had a HIGH degree of shine and I was just wondering , is this due to the kind of ABS used or is this because whoever he ordered it from polished it up for him? I would like to have that high gloss look and what was best to achieve this look to my armor? I heard something called Novus works well. Have any of you ever used this product and is it for shining or removing fine scratches, or both? Thanks for the help. Jeff / (GRAYSHEEL) / Jediberserker73
  17. Hey buddy, couple of questions for you....but first.....your build look awesome! Where do you recommend getting your accessories....boots, black canvas belt, neck seal, gloves. I live in south Florida where it can be super hot! Thanks for any help. Jeff / (GRASYHEEL) . Jediberserker73
  18. Hey everyone, I was at an armor party yesterday and we got a rough trim completed on my entire suit, minus the bucket. I have a very experienced builder that is going to help me but he is currently involved in three projects right now. As this is my first build, I don't want to screw anything up. So in the mean time I was wondering something. I still need to get most of my accessories....gloves, boots, neck seal, black canvas belt, etc. I would like to buy them once preferably and not own three sets of gloves, two or three neck seals, etc. I want to like what I purchase the first time and NOT have to continue re-buying my gear. I live in south Florida where the heat can be brutal so I don't need any gear that is really hot. Any guidance would be awesome! I wear a size 10 1/2 boot (U.S.) Thanks a lot, Jeff / (GRAYSHEEL) / Jediberserker73
  19. Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it! Jeff / (GRAYSHEEL) / Jediebrserker73
  20. I also am looking for places to buy black pauldrons. I know for sure that TrooperBay has them but not sure how they are and they seem to be a little pricey. Does anyone have any of these and if so how are they? Thanks, Jeff / (GRAYSHEEL) / Jediberserker73
  21. I was wondering that if I use stickers instead of paint on the helmet, what do I go with? When you go to say, TrooperBay, he has stickers for his TK helmets but they are based on different builds. ANH, ESB, ROTJ, etc. What style / edition is accurate for a Shadow Trooper? Thanks, Jeff.
  22. Hey all, Just getting ready to start the whole process of building my TX. I have read tons of forums and posts all over the boards and had one question. I am getting ready to trim the excess edges from the armor and was wondering what is best used to make lines to follow when cutting? The white TK guys use pencil but you cant see it on the TX. I have been told white grease pens, some white or silver washable markers, even running a line of painters tape. What all do you suggest? Any tips, hints, advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again! Jeff / Jediberserker / GRAYSHEEL
  23. Hey everyone, I just got my box o' goodies and need to start buying some things. I have heard from many different sources many different bits of information but I need some answers from the pros...you all here. Other than my hard armor and my E-11 I have no other pieces of gear. I live in south FLORIDA.....where the key word is hot, hot, hot. What undersuit do you all recommend? I know that some sort of "heat gear" will work best, something that wicks away the moisture and heat. Also, same thing for gloves...I need some that are not going to fill with sweat! I have heard there are many different places for neckseals...what are the differences? I also want to add a black shoulder pauldron to my build. Again, who makes a good one? I hope to be able to buy all these things one time and be happy. I don't mind spending a little more money as long as the quality it top notch. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank, Jeff
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