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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by TX-2193

  1. Found gold paulrdron on etsy...win
  2. Been a bit since I posted. I have been a TX since 2006 and its time to upgrade. Converting my old shadow whilst keeping it as well. Two in one. I'm gonna order new shoulder bells, bicep, forearms, helmet and knee plate parts for upgrade and keep the rest. Going with wtf armor. Looking foward to the new bucket especially since my current is FX. Any idea where to find the gold pauldron?
  3. Thanks brother. I submitted the order to etsy
  4. http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/3433-miscellaneous-items-boots-lenses-etc/
  5. In the topics above I looked into etsy pauldeon and the one on eBay. Despite price and etsy being a bit larger at 21.5" to 19.5 on ebay which one is the better and more recommended?
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