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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by mikedwelle94

  1. I've been mulling over the idea of scratch-building a flamethrower for my Magma Trooper. I'm not seeking 501st approval with it, but I think it would be a nice addition to the costume; maybe something I can bring to an informal event. Specifically, I'm referring to the flamethrower used by the Incinerator TKs from TFU. Just a shot in the dark here, but would anyone have any advice on how I can approach this? It would be my first scratch-build, so any help would be appreciated. Too bad the former FISD DL, Dashrazor is no longer active...otherwise I'd drop him a message (he lives in my state!!) I've seen pictures of his flamethrowers, and they're nothing short of phenomenal! If only Wookieepedia was an official LFL source...we could make an argument for the Flamethrower to be included in the CRL! "Magma troopers were also equipped with SS-Mobile-tech flamethrowers."
  2. I used the Doopydoos MK 2 conversion kit. http://www.ebay.com/itm/STORMTROOPER-E11-HASBRO-BLASTER-CONVERSION-SKIN-KIT-MK2-/290954707065
  3. This has been a very productive school break. I built a helmet, modified my Hasbro blaster, and ordered the last parts that I'll need to finish my suit. My next semester starts on the 21st, so let's see if I can get myself approvable by then! Here are some pics of the finished blaster. I'm not shooting for total accuracy here. That will come after base 501st approval. Reasonably easy to do. Just glue a few parts and spray paint
  4. The CAP helmet kit has arrived! Obligatory brown box pic: Practice coms (these look like Hero ears!)
  5. I love the idea of using snaps on the boots. I never considered that till now. I'm too skinny to clamshell my ab plate tho...I'm sorta forced to use suspenders
  6. See my thread for an update on my conversation with ATA. You can have your build thread back, Lance!
  7. Here is the email I have sent ATA: Hello! I bought an untouched ABS ATA magma kit secondhand from a 501st member in the Empire City Garrison that I'm having a couple problems with. I did a troop in full armor late September and experienced no damages, until just recently. My armor started cracking in random places for reasons I'm not quite sure of. It's really bizarre. For example, I had my left forearm armor sitting in my bin since the con ended and I opened it up today to find a decent sized crack on the inside. It wasn't like that when I took it off to put it in there. A small crack also developed on the coverstrip of my left shin. Both of these cracks I have fixed using a homemade ABS paste. A more serious crack occurred on the right thigh, after cutting out the glued section in the back for further trimming. This could have been an error on my part, in that I should have disassembled completely before trimming. I've since rejected advice from others to order a replacement and have successfully filled in all cracks and holes. Could it be possible that you may have unintentionally sent a brittle pull of armor out into the market? Has something like that happened before with you or anyone else? I'm not sending this email to give you grief about it, but am simply seeking answers. It could have something to do with the sudden drop in temperature and humidity that we had the past few days. I can't know for sure. You may remember me from a few weeks ago: I was the one who ordered a right shin replacement. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you! - Mike I'll update this post when he replies. In the PM discussion I had with Lance, I explained to him that ATA has always been praised as good quality armor, referencing all the ATA Centurions and EIB folks floating around on FISD. I only posted what I posted because I was frustrated; I wanted to blame the maker, rather than take into account mistakes I may have made that would have caused the cracks. I tried my best to reassure him that his armor likely won't meet the same fate as mine. The thing is, I have no idea if the cracks are being caused by bad assembly. I put in many hours researching build threads, and trying my best to adapt them to my own build. I just don't know.
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