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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by mikedwelle94

  1. Fingers crossed you won't have the same problems I'm having with my armor's durability, seeing since we own the same kit. My armor has been fine right up until recently, where I'm starting to get cracks all over the place. Hopefully I got the one brittle pull that exists, and yours turns out fine. If you start getting random cracks in your armor, my belief that ATA's armor is flawed will be confirmed. I hope it doesn't come to that. I'm not trying to scare you, but I think it's fair that I point this out to you.
  2. Me too. And I think I can get it done without having to paint the rest of the armor. My GML sent me a reply this morning saying that the shade of red I used for my helmet might be good enough, provided I bring it to the same level of gloss as the plastic. The only thing I'm really worrying about now is how to remove my split rivets...
  3. Hold on folks. I can't speak for approval's sake, but I don't think the grey coloring is supposed to be above the teeth holes. Other than that, the vocoder needs a bit of reworking, and you did a great job cutting out those eyes. Keep going! Try to make your vocoder look like this: Don't worry about perfection. Take into consideration that the movie props weren't perfect; they were just quickly thrown together for the most part.
  4. I'm eagerly following this here and on the FISD. I (regretfully) opted out of the ATA bucket, so I'm super excited to see how yours turns out! It doesn't really matter too much whether or not you paint the inside of it. No one's going to see inside anyway.
  5. Hey all. I'm considering raising the brow on my EFX to give it more of a "Stunt" look. If for some reason I manage to break it, where should I look for a replacement? I looked on Trooperbay, and the trim that's listed will not fit my helmet.
  6. I read on page 6 of your thread that you're looking to get individual parts. Why you're specifically looking for FX, I'm not sure (I must have missed it earlier on). It must be because you're looking for larger-than-accurate Stormtrooper sized parts. Which would make sense for a Dark Trooper. If it means anything to you, I can vouch for ATA's willingness to produce and ship armor parts before you can bat an eyelash. Ordered a right shin from him earlier this Monday, and I got it today. I ought to start reading this thread from the beginning.
  7. Boots are done. ^ Temporary solution for my right shin. I ordered my replacement from ATA yesterday.
  8. I tried applying Turtle Wax car polish to my painted helmet. No noticeable results, although it does seem to make my un-painted red armor look a bit better. I want my helmet to match the glossiness of my armor, but I have no idea how to go about doing that. I thought about applying some gloss clear coat, but I read that it's only compatible with flat paint. I used gloss paint, 'cuz I'm not that bright. How I'd go about the act of cleaning up a painted surface and removing imperfections...I'm not sure. Hopefully someone here can help us out
  9. That helmet looks really good. I think you nailed it this time. Seeing that makes me want to replace my lame EFX even more! Just one thing, I'm 80% sure the ear screws should be painted red. An easy fix.
  10. Huh...I could'a sworn Christmas was a few months from now...
  11. Try Hancock Fabrics. You can get vinyl from them. They sell it in red, but I'm not sure if it's exactly the right shade. I'll let you judge for yourself. I was lucky enough to have a red canvas belt included with my armor purchase, so I didn't need to follow through with buying the material needed to make my own belt. Here's an example of what I'd consider buying if I needed to: http://www.hancockfabrics.com/Floridian-Red-Wine-Vinyl-Fabric-Expanded-Back_stcVVproductId49134738VVcatId539402VVviewprod.htm They have other shades of red, if that doesn't tickle your fancy.
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