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Everything posted by Rotccole

  1. Especially if you didn't have padded straps.
  2. I'm getting excited just watching you build it dude...looks like alot of fun.
  3. That would be a heavy heavy pack....
  4. Yeah....ive been working on my tx for nearly a year now.... *wish there was a face palm smiley*
  5. Looks awesome brother! However, ya gota get her a bucket so she can quit hiding behind the cap!
  6. NOOOO!!!!! Your guna beat me. ....oh well yay for shadow scouts!
  7. Hey, nice idea I might have to try that! Looks good Tori! keep it up.
  8. I cringe at the sight of new calf pieces...BUT don't let that get ya down!! Have fun building it brother!
  9. Keep it up brother! You'll figure it out and get it done...and we'll be watching.
  10. Looking good brother, can't wait for it to be approved!
  11. The shadow scouts really will rule the Det soon....
  12. Dibbs on the first run!!! (if thats ok)
  13. OHH I love the walking dead. My favorite tv show. I think its out on DVD/blue ray now though.
  14. Rotccole


    Oh, it's so shiny, wraith, new mission. Steal every bucket that we like...wtihout them noticing.
  15. BS we don't call him boots....i vote call sign.
  16. BTW, whats the program you use to make these?
  17. Hey any progress is good! Keep slogging it out brother!
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