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Everything posted by Rotccole

  1. I agree with Izzy, if there are more...put me down for one. I probably wont make the whole kit, but its a great looking helm brother!
  2. Id also like to thank Matt for helping me out with the pictures (still in the process).
  3. Ok guys, I got this idea/ideas from Agustus' topic "Whats under the armor". I began wondering this myself and decided to do some research. Bryan made a point that I went back and looked and in ANH Darth Vader tells the only cannon TK Officer to over see the retrieval of R2D2 and C3PO. In "The Death Star" by Micheal Reaves and Steve Perry we had a guy refer to his Blacks. Looking in Star Wars: ANH I saw the blacks he was talking about, and finally in another forum (Imperial Officer) there is a topic about TK dress uniform. http://www.imperialofficer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=1194 Crazas then posted about a topic that discussed having berets for TX's instead of the soft caps (which I fully support). After a long, Long search I found only a few Army's in the world where the Special Forces (or Army's for that matter) do not wear berets. I figure this is enough evidence to support the berets. Now that the explanation is done I do not have high hopes for this getting approved because there are not reference pictures. I'm still going to try though so here is what I am going to do for it. CRLs come later I guess. (taken from IO again with a few changes) Tunic: * Fabric should be a medium weight suiting material exactly matching the pants and hat. Gabardine style weave is most accurate. Color options are black. * Tunic is double-breasted with a left over right closure on the tapered yoke. * Yoke comes up across the shoulder to the top shoulder seam. * The standing collar has square corners and is about 1.25" (31.8 mm) tall and closes snugly and includes a modesty panel behind closure. Collar edges are closed with two eye hooks. Costumebase/Costumebay uniforms are missing this feature. * There are code cylinder pockets on both outside panels of the jacket from about half way between the top and bottom on the arm hole. * Sleeves are long, and without decoration, cuffs or buttons, containing 2 seams, one along the bottom and one along the back. * Tunic should be constructed with no top-stitching (stitches visible on the exterior surface of fabric) The Proper Way The Crappy Way Pants: * Fabric should be a medium weight suiting material exactly matching the tunic and hat. Gabardine style weave is most accurate. * Jodhpurs breeches are canon, with semi-stiff flares to the hip/thigh area. Jodhpurs must be worn with boots (see below). * Straight-legged dress trousers are permitted for black-uniformed officers, but must be worn with quality dress shoes. * Pockets are acceptable, though they should not be visible with the tunic on. * There are no noticeable cuffs on the pants. The Proper Way Hat or Cover (for those in the Military: * Black, fitted beret with leather band. * Unit Special Forces Patch must be worn in the crest of the beret. (sizes later) The Proper Way (as soon as I have one with the Spec Ops badge on it it will be up) The Crappy Way Belt: * The belt should be constructed from a non-textured leather or a leather-like material, approximately 2" (50.8 mm) in width (up to 3" (76.s mm) is acceptable) * To the right of the buckle (from the viewer's perspective), a single large snap or rivet should be visible about 1" (25.4 mm) from the buckle. The Proper Way Buckle: * The buckle should be constructed from a horizontally brushed metal, or metal looking material. * The size should be 2 5/8" (66.7 mm) high and 4 1/8" (104.5 mm) wide with 0.5" (12.7 mm) radius rounded corners. * Canon buckles have a slight horizontal curve. * Buckles are adorned with a Imperial Code Disk at the center. * Costumebase/Costumebay buckles are NOT acceptable (see below for comparison) Why Costumebase buckles are not acceptable: The Costumebase buckle is not acceptable for two main reasons. The corners are too round and the size is inaccurate. The cost of a CB belt & buckle is comparable to the cost of purchasing the parts and building your own more accurate belt, and because of that comparative cost, the CB buckle has been disqualified for 501st membership. The Proper Way The Crappy Way Boots: * Knee-high, black, lace-less, non-textured, leather or leather-like material. Rubber is not acceptable. * All uniforms wear high English dress riding style boots. The Proper Way Rank Bar: o Worn on the left side of the tunic over the heart. o Rank consists of colored plastic tiles mounted on metal bar. o Each bar is 1" (25.4 mm) height, length is determined by chosen rank o Rank tile dimensions are 1/2" (12.7 mm)width x 3/4" (19 mm) height and about 1/8" (3.2 mm). o Tiles should be mounted with 1/4" (6.4 mm) spaces between them. Note: Some resources indicate some ranks are determined solely by wider spacing between tiles. However, it has not yet been confirmed whether such an occurrence was deliberate or a production aberration. Sources seem to indicate this through extrapolation, and is therefore not conclusive. o Rank tiles are translucent. Color quantity and combinations are determined by rank, and should be appropriate to uniform type (examples: no Grand Moffs wore black uniforms with hats, Grand Admiral rank should match Grand Admiral uniform, etc.). o Costumebase/Costumebay rank bars are NOT acceptable Why Costumebase rank badges are not acceptable: The Costumebase badge is not acceptable also for two main reasons. The material is a cheap foam rubber. The size is also vastly too large and disproportionate. The Proper Way The Build It Your Self Way (guide) Code Cylinders o Between 1 to 4, tucked into small pockets in tunic by shoulders o Chalk-holder/dosimeter style: silver tube with short clip, top should be colored blue o X-Wing pilot style: machined aluminum rod with flaring disc detail at top (Admiral Motti style) Suggested (encouraged, but not required) Tunic: o There is a dart of about 2" (50.8 mm) in the top center of the yoke. o Additionally there is a seam running the entire circumference of the tunic, dividing it along a line hidden by the uniform belt. Rank badge: o Double-row ranks should be constructed from separate pieces of one row each, rather than two rows of caps on a single metal backing piece. Gloves: o Black, leather or leather-like, enclosed fingered, non-textured, gauntlet length and fitted. o No buckles, straps, decorative stitching, etc. Belt Boxes: o Dimensions are about 2 1/2" (63.5 mm) by 4 1/2" (114.3 mm) by 1" (25.4 mm) thick. o Boxes can be worn either vertically or horizontally on either side of the belt buckle. o One or two boxes can be worn on either the right or left side of the belt, and symmetry is not required. Optional (encouraged, but not required) Tunic o The back of the tunic has princess seams that run vertically and turn outward to intersect the arm-hole seam at the vertical center. Side-Arm o Choice of E-11, DL-44, DH-17 o Holster in black leather or leather-like material appropriate to the side-arm carried. o Holsters should not be worn without having a side-arm. Special Variants and Characters o Grand Admirals + Tunic and pants are in white fabric, constructed with details above. + Pants are the jodhpur-style with flares. + Boots are knee-high equestrian style. + Golden epaulets with tassles and a matching button head on the top board closest to the neck. + Rank bar should consist of two rows of six pips: # Top row (from viewer's left to right): 3 blue, 3 yellow # Bottom row: 3 blue, 3 red And there she is, I will get some of my own up ASAP. EDIT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thought this was interesting. I never have seen any other dress uniform but this one is from a tie pilot I believe. Notice the campaign ribbons and medals. Perhaps a ribbon for "Special" Troops like rose parade, D-con? Ideas?
  4. Why don't we have a like button....*like button click*.
  5. Man, the red and black would look great at football and basketball games at Texas Tech....*drooling*.
  6. Be safe John we wait for your return!
  7. Thanks for the tips guys, build thread up soon...
  8. Yeah Bryan, but I'm taking all of y'alls advice and doing them both...only a few more pieces of armor and a bucket. Thanks for the info btw.
  9. May I inquire where you got that gold pauldron Izzy?
  10. Well...seeing that I am going to have 2 TX helmets, I think I might weather one of them and then use automobile-spray paint (the kind that can rub off) and spray some weather damage on it. Now to just get started....
  11. Haha nah im not guna weather or damage it till the actual Blackhole w/ damage is excepted...I have some pretty neat ideas for it.
  12. So, how would I go about getting this approved? Anyone?
  13. Looks good brother! Keep it up and welcome!
  14. All right progress! Looks like your having a lot of fun.
  15. AHH Bryan your my hero! Super like! Next on the waiting to be approved list? I think so!
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