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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by Krysis

  1. I was speeding threw this on Saturday. Started fitting the belt. Had a troop on Sunday (Jedi) a nice hot day. Now its too cold to paint again!! Blast!
  2. Its a small step, but it is progress!
  3. After marching about the house I realized the chest was digging into my ribs... time to break out the drimmel
  4. did a bit more work tonight, got the straps on the bicep and fore arms, and started fitting the chest.
  5. What we have here is a finished bucket!
  6. Indeed, But I live in South Louisiana so there is never much of a break from it. So I made a paint tent, set it up in a storage room inside of my garage, that should help a bit... I hope lol
  7. Had a nice warm day yesterday, and I took advantage of it. Put some paint down, but it was kinda pretty humid.. so I'm scared to look at it! So assuming it painted well, I will assemble the chest, back, and shoulder bells tonight.
  8. I repainted the elevator bolts, and will re-install them tonight, as well as the "mouth plate" and chin strap. That will finish the helmet. I need to do a little sanding on my chest plate and put another coat of paint on it. Pictures tonight. This cold weather is slowing me down!
  9. There will be a small gap you will have to fill. If you want to look at my WIP it might help a little. I just put mine together this weekend. http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/2527-krysis-shadow-scout-wip/
  10. Its a SC helm so it came with the decals, are those not as good?
  11. The back of the Helmet needs another coat, there are a few lines from sanding that need to be covered. But I got ahead of my self and painted before I cut the ear holes... oh well I need to second coat it any way lol. I am quite pleased with the face.
  12. Got a bit more done today, Painted the helmet, put a bit more bondo on the tank and smoothed that out. Also un-related to my ShadowScout, I touched up the Paint on the Girl Friend's Bo-Katan helmet. Also my Base with the Rebel Legion made me assistant temple master for our Jedi. So now I'm Busy with all Kinds of projects! Pictures to come in a bit after the paint dries a little.
  13. I actually really enjoy it lol. ... I wonder if making scout and clone gear would count as experience when applying to a Car body shop? That would be great to see a manager's reaction to that. Typical Body shop owner "Do you have any body work experience?" Me "Why yes I do... Here is a picture of my Scout Gear and my Clone Gear" Owner "... I don't think you'll be a good fit here."
  14. Since I had already started filling there was no turning back. So I cleaned it up... It's going to look a lot better once its painted... The back of the Helmet is ready for painting as well.
  15. I just put mine together this weekend and did about the same thing. I just held it together until the gel dried lol.
  16. Out of all the ref pictures I looked at that is the only one I didn't see lol. I can't go back now, but thanks for the In put!
  17. So... I may have made a mistake... I put the tank on the back plate, and having started a clone build the nasty seam there in my mind needed to be filled. This is not correct I have been told. But I'm at the point where its to late to apologize. I can not undo it. How bad is this going to be? Nothing is said about it in the CRL so am I safe? lol
  18. Thanks Chef, but I just put those on for the picture. lol! I'll be making the correct boots. Thanks for checking out the detail.
  19. I didn't want to go with the black lens that came with the helmet. I got a mirrored motor cycle visor to use. Unable to contain myself I had my girlfriend tape the Kit on me. Now the armor is drying, I put a coat of flat black on it to knock of that shine.
  20. Close up of the gloves. They are great, well put together and fit perfect.
  21. Being a 5' 8" guy its not often I get to say this but... I'm a little too tall for the flightsuit. It isn't that bad, I just cant wear anything under it. (Which isn't a bad thing when its hot)
  22. I have my Flight Suit (without modification), and my Gloves.
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