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Everything posted by Trying2

  1. looks good. But why the gray vocoder? All the pictures I saw its black like the rest of the armor.
  2. How did trooping with your spray painted boots turn out? Did they crack or fade or anything? They did look excellent after painting them.
  3. See if you can get a "sports" frame for them. Asking your optometrist might be the best place to ask. The sports frame curves. Normal glasses are straight,and that is where I find the fitting problem to be- where the temple meets the main frame.
  4. You'll also need sandpaper for roughing up the armor for the glue to stick to it. I used Velcro attached to elastic for all my torso areas. Sand where the Velcro will attach to the armor.
  5. I'm new here, so I apologize if this shouldn't be posted (sources), or if I've posted in the wrong forum spot. While cruzing the internet, I found this. Disclaimer: I don't know this person, nor have I checked out what he is making, nor have I spoken with anyone that has. plasticarmor.webs.com He also makes some helmets and a RotJ Stormtrooper set.
  6. 3. Can a HIPS or a eFX helmet be used with an ABS body?
  7. Greetings! I'm going for the standard Novatrooper also. I like the cooler looking gold stripe down the middle of the elite helmet, but i dont want to be hauling a back pack around all the time. So I'll be a standard one. I do have a couple of questuons to make it. 1. The gold band on the helmet doesnt appear to go all the way around? Is that correct? 2. Is there a specific color / shade for the yellow? 3. Can a HIPS or a eFX helmet be used with an ABS body?
  8. Thanks for sharing. My body armir set should be comimg in today, and i cant find a black helmet .
  9. Of course, the image collection - http://https://www.google.com/search?q=coruscant+guard&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ZaLmUvONNoXyoATWh4LoDA&ved=0CCoQsAQ&biw=768&bih=1024
  10. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Coruscant_Guard Great reference material, and several, much better views
  11. http://www.jeditemplearchives.com/gentlegiant/evg/Coruscant-Guard-Gentle-Giant-The-Clone-Wars-Maquette.html
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