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501st SpecOps[TX]
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About SilentDan

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    Capital City Garrison

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  1. I got the Biker Scout Mirrored Lens Material from Trooperbay.
  2. Yes, on my helmet, the right jaw line was the longer side. No, I did not move the guide holes for mounting the faceplate. Everything (aside from the right jaw line) lined up when I tested the fit of the faceplate to the helmet. When in the closed position, there is a gap of approximately 1/4" between the faceplate and the matching contours on the helmet. This allows for the faceplate to open, something that I don't think would be possible if the faceplate mated perfectly to the contours on the helmet.
  3. Thanks Kaabous. The helmet wasn't so bad to assemble. I first riveted the visor to the faceplate just to hold it in position. I made small drill holes in the center of the indent just in case I was off, with the bolt position. I then glued the sides and top on, one at a time to get both items in place. The back of the helmet was just glue and magnets. The top lined up nicely to the back. There is a bit of a gap where the back does not perfectly contact the top. The faceplate and the helmet lined up at the hinge position, but the jawline needed to be trimmed to match the helmet. The visor just needed a bit of a hot water bath to soften it, and a lot of hot melt glue to hold it in place. Hope this helps.
  4. What is the viability of using airsoft magazines? http://www.evike.com/products/29076/ In Canada, real magazines would require modifications to limit their capacity.
  5. I managed to get approved. I'm now TX-64687! Thanks for all the advise!
  6. Finally got around to finishing my bucket. Used a lot of hot melt glue to get the lense in. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  7. I checked the CRL, and the shadow scout doesn't mention rivets for basic approval. I initially had to glued on with a significant gap, almost 1cm at the top, but my local garrison thought that was too much. My finger tips hurt for days after pulling it off. Good to know I'm going in the right direction.
  8. Straight from the manufacturer, putting the tank on the back resulted in a noticeable gap. I've ground the straight line to make more of a curve to match the back. How precise does the tank have to attach? It can be squeezed down closer.
  9. The original lens I have does not seem very dark, and the silver film doesn't make things too much worse. The other option would be to get a clear safety face mask shield. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  10. I'm using the Trooperbay one. It's just a thin mirrored film, so I just need to stick it on to the green lens that came with the kit. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  11. Tried for repositioning. It needs to go through the washing machine to get the chalk that marked the rib lines off.
  12. I've attached my pouches with Velcro, so I've just repositioned then for the moment. Is this looking any closer?
  13. Hopefully I'm progressing in the right direction. The cummerbund and pouches are very fiddly.<br /> Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  14. Now that I've glued the visor to the face plate, it looks like it fits better. Aside from the right jawline being too low, does anyone see anything wrong? Thanks. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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