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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by Buddy248824

  1. Got my approval. TX 42373!!!! Thanks for all the help.. Now for Specialist.
  2. Submitted for approval. Just waiting. Thanks for all help and suggestions. Now to do some tweaks and go for specialist
  3. Crazy Question. Where I find the CLR for specialist.
  4. Pics I have submitted for approval. Wish me luck
  5. Working on making it look better and tight. Thoughts
  6. Yeah I retook pics to close gap with bottom of pouches and belt. Forgot to rehook shoulder. I will post pic to show what I was trying to fix.
  7. Pictures I'm going to summit. Thoughts please.
  8. Slowly but surely. Will take better pics with my canon.
  9. So working on boots. Very pleased with way they have turned out. Going to mount holster this evening. More pics to come. Thanks for all the feedback.
  10. Boots still need flaps. Seems a little snug around calfs. Finished cumberbum. Chest plate. Starting on belt. Wish me luck. Thoughts welcome. Thanks
  11. So far so good on chest armor. Pic to follow. Does anyone have a pattern for the vest they mind to share. Thanks
  12. About to tackle chest plate. I'm a big boy. Any thoughts about connecting them. I am board in shoulders and chest area. Thought
  13. Cumberbum coming along. Got pouches attached. Working on cod piece tomorrow after I complete it. Again. Open for thoughts. First build so criticism welcome. Thanks
  14. Working on pouches. Think they are coming along nicely. Open to thoughts.
  15. Working on pouches. More pics to follow
  16. Working on cumberbum. Thoughts welcomed
  17. Thanks that is very helpful. Good looking helmet.
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