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Merchandising & Branding Officer[MBO-CMD]
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Everything posted by Allan1313

  1. Allan1313

    000 progress

    So I have been making some decent progress. The back is almost ready for primer, just need to hit some more spots with the XTC3D. Have a few more greeblies on the the chest to add then it will be ready for primer/XTC3D. Had a little accident with the neck ring on the chest. Dropped it right on the corner and took a chunk off, reprinted it and will add it back on. Got the shorts printed but way more sanding to go. The shoulders and shoulder rings are ready to go for primer/XTC3D. I have both arms put together and have been adding the greeblies. Just have to put together the large arm greeblie (in the box in pieces). Need to attach the chest pistons, but will do that either right before paint or after. Got the hands started, printed out the hands, hand pistons (in pieces in the box) and have the fingers printing right now. Making some good progress. Just have the lower half to print, thighs, calves, and feet. I think if all goes well I can be all ready and primed by the end of March. Tough to steal time here and there. The easiest part is printing, set it and forget it. I would love to have it completely done by May, that's my new goal with how well it's been going.
  2. Allan1313

    000 progress

    I decided just to throw the chest and back on to make sure I scaled the parts correctly. Relatively happy with the result. If I had to do it over again I would shorten the shoulder to shoulder distance. Other than that I am happy with the neck to belly size and the width from belly to back. Need to add the greeblies to the chest and back. Starting to print the greeblies for the arms and have to finish the shorts. After that it's onto the legs and feet. I would like to print it all out and the do all the filling and sanding. I have been printing in PTEG if anyone way wondering. Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  3. Allan1313

    000 progress

    Yup! It's a blast. So many different little projects. It's good times. Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  4. Allan1313

    000 progress

    After I was mostly satisfied with the head I started printing the rest. I plan on printing it all out and then finishing it. So far I have printed the chest, back, shoulders, arms, and part of the shorts. I still need to print all the greeblies that go with it. Here are some pictures of what I have so far. Lots of finishing to do. More to come... Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  5. Allan1313

    000 progress

    So I was wanting to do 000 for awhile. In my research of all available kits out there I was just too big. I am 6'2" and about 195 lbs, all the kits and everything I had seen out there were for people around 5'7" and 150 lbs and would've required too much work. A few months back I bought a 3d printer and decided that now I could do it because I can properly size the parts to my body. I started with the head just to see if I could properly do it right with all the sanding/filling. If I was able to get that too look good I would continue on. Here is what I was able to do with the head. I thought it came out pretty good so I proceeded to print some more parts. Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  6. This has been on the back burner for awhile. I have had some spare time so I put some time into the pack. Been filling in the gaps with some miliput. Way more filling and sanding to do, but there is some progress. Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  7. I haven't updated this I'm awhile, but I have made some progress over the last few months. The area on the bottom of the front is raised a bit to match the side details. I cut a piece of abs and covered with tape so I could trace the raised detail and cut it out. Next I started to glue on all the details to the front of the pack. Getting closer, but still much more to go. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  8. It seems they alternate between white and black runs. They are still waiting to ship out the last white run. Unless things have changed. They have cancelled some armor lately. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  9. Nice job. Looking good! Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  10. Haha thanks, way too many. Probably around 15-20, with many more to come. Some stuff was trial and error at the beginning so that took some time. I figure I am about 1/3 the way through. Gonna take awhile. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  11. Been a long time since I was able to get to this, a new baby and other projects got in the way. Been able to do some work on it the last few weeks. Did some work on the "grill" piece. Making it out of wood. That looked too spaced out so I added more "lines". Now put in place to see what it will look like. Looking much better now. I will put that aside for bow, but will be using some bondo to get rid of the spaces/lines in between the pieces of wood. Next I did some work on the raised section, there are 5 slits on each side. I marked them out with tape and drilled away. I will get some files and straighten out the slits. I also love LED's. I plan on adding them in three places. Under these slits I will have some, then I will have some really bright ones coming down from the thrusters, and lastly the 2 tubes sticking out from the pack. They will all be well out of sight and have switches. Here are the ones for the slits. I will put 2 under each slit, these ones slowly change colors over time. That's all for now. Stay tuned... Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  12. The armor appear to be ROTJ style and the hand plates are ESB style. The large "ab" plate is upside down . Those are a few differences I see. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  13. All the shadow troopers I have seen in the "wild" including mine have been nice and shiny. I haven't looked at the crl in awhile and don't know if it specifies gloss or matte. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  14. I don't think the argument "it looks like a tie" so it should be JRS holds weight. A shadow trooper is just a black stormtrooper and they are here because the are special forces. I think the description of them being special forces and that they can easily be differentiated from the "regular" Ties lends more credence to them ending up here. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks guys! Its been fun so far. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  16. Here is my progress for the week. I tried my 3rd attempt and the top of the main pack detail. As you can see with each progression I got better with the heat gun. After that I did the rest of those details so I could put them together for that main part of the pack. All glued together now I filled the large holes/gaps with modeling epoxy and then went over small gaps with some bondo. I also did the smaller detail at the top and did the same with the bondo. I wish I had a vacuum former and sculpting skills. The top/front of this pack would look great vacuum formed. As I don't have one, nor the sculpting skills this will have to do. As I move further along I am seeing that this will not be 100% accurate, but I am having fun and I think it will be a good representation of the pack. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  17. I got Robs for my TK and TX. Imperialissue.com Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  18. I think Jimiriqui (Jim Tripon) makes them. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  19. Found myself with a bit of time this weekend. Here is a simple test fit of the back of the pack on the back of the TX. Next I measured and put some of the sides on. I am adding some wood blocks for a bit more grip and stability so the sides are not just glues on by the 0.177" thickness of the ABS. Ones those dried I added another layer for the side details on the pack. I measured and cut those. Next I cut and measured some more "sides" for the top of the pack. I put the last "side" on but forgot to take a picture. Next I laid out the top of the details to try and get the scale and look right. I am satisfied with all the details except for the part right above the grill section. Looking at some more reference pictures, its just too big. I will scale that down a bit. Otherwise I feel I have the details where I like them. Next I gave a shot at making the main raised section "_ll_". I am going to try my hand at using a heat gun to bend and shape the ABS. Herr is the 1st attempt, an unmitigated disaster. But I did learn a few things. Learning from that I tried again. This 2nd attempt was much better, but still a little off. Here it is on the template: I think I just need to adjust the measurements a little and not cut so much of the corners out. I am ok with a little gap as I will be filling and sanding most seams anyway. More to follow... Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  20. Walt makes a larger cod if you ask for people with a bit more girth so you don't have to shim. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  21. So I made some more measurements. I was looking at the very top and where is slopes at the sides. From the reference pics it looks like the top is about the size of the space in between the painted sections on the back of the helmet. I then eyeballed the slopes and came up with this: I then cut this front/back piece out and one of the 7" sides. I looked at the side that of 7" It looks a bit large, there was a scrap piece that was slightly over 5" which looked much better. Next I put the front/back onto the armor to check the size. It looks pretty good compared to the reference pictures. Next I cut another front/back piece. I then measured for a hole to cut for the back plate O II so the pack can really hug the back. Front and back of the pack. My wife wanted to go to Michael's so I tagged along and found these for the thrusters. Next up will be fitting some side pieces on the back of the pack and mocking of the details on the front. More to follow... Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  22. Awhile ago I spoke with Steve (Darth Emphatic) about doing the jump pack and getting it cleared as an accessory. He spoke with the LMO and got the go ahead. Here is my build. These are a few of the references that I am using from the game: Obviously I will be doing the one in black, but there are more shots of the white one. They are the same except the color schemes. So I started by ordering some black ABS sheets. I got 3 24" x 24" sheets. So I did a few sketches just to lay out some dimensions. Looking at these pictures the pack is as wide as the back plate, maybe a little wider. The back plate is about 14" so I figured I would make it slightly wider at 15". The pack looks like it extends above and below the back plate. Well it looks like the measurement of the top to bottom picture didn't save, but it turns out its about square and is 14" tall too. Based on the photos it looks to be about 2" above and below the back plate so I am going with 18" for the height. Next was the width. Looking at the pics it seems to be a bit wider than the forearms of the TK/TX. The forearm is about 5" so I increased it to 7". This is what I have so far as the dimensions go: So the ABS I got is really thick, didn't think it would be this thick. I think it will help it hold up better in the long run so I will still use it. Tough to see the thickness is that picture, but in this one I put a piece of the scrap ABS from the Anovos shadow trooper and you can see the large difference. So I started by measuring the 15" for the width on the front/back of the pack. So I scored it with a box cutter. I tried to snap it, and it was a no go haha, way too thick. So I tried to go at it with a dremel and a cutting attachment, it wasn't very clean and would have taken a long time. I am going to measure all the cuts I will need and then bring it to my father's house to use his table saw or band saw. I would love other people's input as to my dimensions or anything else you guys can help with. Shawn I know you had expressed interest in building this and have built many a pack so I am curious what you think as well. I wasn't sure if this is the right forum or not to put this, if not please move to the proper forum. More to follow... Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  23. Tested a few paints. Here is the Testors gray 1138 used on TK's. Not even close. Here is Testors silver metallic. Close but a few shades too bright. So what I did was mix some gloss black with the silver. I think it came out pretty close. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  24. I know, I am just being lazy and looking for the easy way out haha Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  25. I did the live chat with Anovos and they said they mixed it themselves which I highly doubt. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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