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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by DarkSith87

  1. Well do, just a update everyone that I'm going to give my friend aka FAC Far Away Creations more time he needs because I'm patience with him, then if I don't hear anything back from him a friend and build partner has told me a plan B for the General Weir Shadow Scout helmet and the black biker scout kit I need and he works business with this person and goes by the name WTF aka Walt's Trooper Factory, so I'll keep you guys in the loop on what's going on, take care. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  2. Here is some update on my General Weir Shadow Scout project, here is the modified flightsuit that has been work on and I received it today from my buddy who is helping on this project, and here is my put together General Weir Scout blaster, I'll let you all know when I have more coming in, take care. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  3. Everyone got great news I just got the ammo belt aka bandolier in and my buddy and I are going to paint the ammo boxes I believe maroon red but I don't know what they paint the ammo boxes now days for the ammo belt maroon red or original red but we'll see if it works on the paint, then when I get the black biker scout kit and helmet it will work on it some more measure the bandolier to fit the armor, put together what needs to together and painted, then I'll have pictures up.
  4. Well yesterday I came home and found these at my front door it is the ammo belt aka bandolier from WoodChuck, now just put it together and painted it, all I have to do is wait for the Black Biker Scout kit and helmet from Far Away Creations and my friend will help on the cummerbund that is helping me on this project, so I'll have more pictures when the whole thing complete.
  5. Here is my General Weir bandoliers aka ammo belt that is beening ship out today from WoodChuck.
  6. Here is an updated on the General Weir project I just got in contact with my friend from FAC and he is going to do the armor as a black biker scout kit and he is able to do the helmet too with the red lens, for my General Weir bandolier I have contacted WoodChuck and he still makes that item so he have me on the list and will make the bandolier and then my friend and I will be working on it and it will be done I'll have pictures up when it's done.
  7. Ok everyone never mind this post I got a hold of WoodChuck and he is going to make me the General Weir bandolier which I'm very happy about and his still makes this too, but heads up his price just went up from $150 to now $175 because of his source for the red webbing bring the price up too.
  8. Question chef are you still doing this bandolier belt boxes? Because I need the full set if so awesome but if not that's ok, please let me know when you get a chance Thank You.
  9. Hello everyone, I have a question I'm looking for a maker or someone who can make the General Weir bandolier pieces aka belt boxes that go on General Weir bandolier? Because I need full set for the bandolier, please let me know when you all get a chance Thank You. DarkSith87 Aka David Munck Future General Weir
  10. Thank you and I'll get them coming the final one will be up after everything is together.
  11. Here are General Weir boots and before any questions are asked my friend and I will be doing modification to them.
  12. Today I got my Scout Blaster but I'm going to have two weapons for this costume DLT-19 Heavy Blaster and my Scout Blaster here is a picture plus it needs to be put together and painted.
  13. Hi everyone, Here is my General Weir project build I started get stuff for it and here is a few pictures enjoy.
  14. Yes I do because I have done business with him in the past before and his a great friend to me plus I have patience with him
  15. Ok change of plans for the helmet I'm getting it at same person were I'm getting my Shadow Scout armor from FAC
  16. Will do everyone and I'm hoping that everything will go ok with Kropserkel for my Shadow Scout General Weir helmet, if not I'll have to find someone else wish me luck.
  17. Hello fellow General Weir's, Here is my list for my Shadow Scout General Weir and I'll have pictures up when I start building it and finish it. The helmet- Kropserkel The Shadow Scout armor- FAC Flightsuit and boots - Amazon.com for a great price Cummerbunds and bandiler- a friend who I'll be working with in my area Weapons both DLT-19 and scout blaster- DLT-19 from the same person who I'm working with, the scout blaster maybe Hyperfirm. Gloves- Wampawear So that my list my friends.
  18. Well done I'm getting my helmet from Crop Circle and my Shadow Scout armor hopefully from FAC or someone else.
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