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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Avatar190

  1. This is the Medic sigil that I used for my bicep when I made it. The template file is a PDF, so convertable to vector, and nice big clean print. I dropped it into my Silhouette cutter, and make a stencil out of heavy duty card stock, so I could hand cut it into painter's tape nice and easy. Mudtrooper Medic Bicep Template.pdf
  2. I'm just using a Bulgarian Medic box I found. It doesn't have the ribbed metal\fiberglass appearance of the Topps kit, but it works for me.
  3. I see there has been a change to reflect the 2 smaller central cylinders, but still says the tac light mounted on the left side of the barrel. Is this the final determination?
  4. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GY1DC5P/ To make it easier...
  5. So, I was reviewing the CRL today (fine tuning things for my submission, in addition to looking over the submission I have of the person I'm doing my build with), and there was a discrepancy I noticed. So, are we in fact using the Rogue One E-11B blasters, in the same configuration? I ask, because that is in fact the image used in our CRL, however the description is not matching the image. If you notice the image of the blaster, the tactical light is on the right side of the blaster, but the text does say left side of the blaster. Normal configuration of the E-11B (to my recollection) is having the M300 on the right side of the barrel. One other minor detail is that other appearances of this blaster in other CRLs list the Power cylinder as "larger with 2 outer cylinders and 2 smaller central cylinders". Just wanted to see if a correction needed to be made somewhere...
  6. Hi Sebastian, Curious, the CRL is calling specifically for green lenses for the goggles, but ESS doesn't make green lenses. Is this an inaccuracy within the CRL writing, or would we need to fabricate our own lens if we pick up a pair of goggles that do not come with green lenses? Personally, I would have expected it to be green frames on the goggles, not the lens, to match the rest of the olive coloring.
  7. Yeah, as silly as it seems, that would likely make the difference.
  8. I know this CRL has been up for a while, but this sentence doesn't quite make sense to me: Is this detailing both forearms, or just the left? Or, is it trying to say there are cover strips on the front and rear of both forearms, but on the left forearm the strips end approximately 60mm above the wrist, which allows the spacing for the two rubber/rubber-like bands? The language is just a bit unclear...a comma or a separate sentence might make it more clear.
  9. Same. How many stripes did you cut yours down to?
  10. Did they forget the tube striping with all shipments, and sending them automatically? Or did you have to open a ticket? They have yet to respond to my current open ticket about my Officer's uniform cancellation...but the Trooperbay stripes arrived today anyway.
  11. Looks like those are only in Women's sizes...
  12. I didn't realize that the chest armor can double for Imperial Gunner...that's cool. Thanks!
  13. I didn't look at this until you mentioned it. My helmet did not come with tube stripes on, but I did find a sheet in the bag with all the snaps. However, there was only one set of stripes, and there were only 8 in the row. This will not meet CRL approval. Considering I have a ticket already open with them regarding cancellation of my wife's Imperial Officer costume, I cannot open another ticket. I'm just going to order from Trooperbay, and be done with it...
  14. And it shipped...got the email today. Brian, might want to contact them, and see if your shipping invoice got lost in hyperspace...
  15. I made a C.S. ticket Monday, inquiring what the status was on my July 2015 order (prompted by me seeing that people who ordered in August 2015, and even April 2016 already had their armor). Never got a reply, but Wednesday, I received an email requesting me to settle the shipping difference from my pre-order. Hopefully it should be shipping in the next few days...very anxious now. So, if you haven't heard anything yet, and you're in my purchase time window, you may need to settle the shipping before it moves. I had never received notification of that from them directly prior.
  16. Ah, cool. I'm unfamiliar with that vendor (though that's not really saying much, as I still feel pretty green. ). Hope your build goes well for you, and looking forward to seeing it.
  17. I know what a BBB is, I was asking if it was from WTF, or somewhere else? Anovos is rumored to be pre-shipping right now, so checking...
  18. Could you PM me too, for future reference, please. Thank you.
  19. Well, if that's the case, I'm satisfied with that answer. Could be a bunch of bunk though, LOL. Thanks for making that inquiry, Allan
  20. I really don't quite understand the delay though...I mean, isn't the Shadow armor the same as their white armor just vacuumed in black ABS? Just switch material and keep sucking...
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