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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Avatar190

  1. Dangit...I want that ready by Rogue One's release...
  2. I bought that same blaster a year ago, after I ordered my Anovos Shadow kit. I was approved with the weapon as a Reserve TIE Pilot, and have the Disney/Anovos TIE Helmet coming and Targ armor (to go full TIE Pilot). Anxiously awaiting the Shadow kits to ship...I'm expecting the end of June. Then TX, here I come. The QuestDesignCanada blaster is adequate, but will only pass for L1. It seems durable enough, but I wanted more. Yesterday I ordered this blaster: http://www.ebay.com/...a-/231925095346 It looks awesome, and he shipped it today. I'll start the build on it next week when it arrives. Here's his demo video of it:
  3. Then black it is. Thank you. BTW, back on the pauldron above...that Etsy one kind of looks floppy, and not overly rigid, especially when compared to, say, what Trooperbay offers. Being new to this all, I don't discount my naivety when it comes to this. So, am I wrong in this observation?
  4. A related question about pauldrons...do the colors signify anything in particular, or is it personal choice? Also, I see some do some form of accent color on the armor, matching that of the chosen pauldron color. Is that a necessity, or again, personal preference?
  5. I ordered the same boots from Zappos a few months back, Allan...definitely a good deal. I had posted about them on another forum, and someone expressed concern about the toe being too pointed. I'm still confident they'll be approved. For me, I had to get a half-size bigger, because they are narrow, so my heel slides around a bit. And I still need to stretch them out some. I think I can fix my sliding issue with some Dr. Scholl's (hopefully).
  6. Frank looks to be around 6' and maybe 240'ish? So, looks like the Anovos might be an AM sizing. What do you guys think?
  7. Yeah, that I understand. But, the cut lines would only have limited flexibility in size range. There is large disparity between someone who would wear a chest 52 compared to, say, a 38. I would have thought them to have different vacuum molds for the four various sizes offered, then you trim it accordingly within that range. I guess I'm fortunate that I was at the XL size, so it should look ok then.
  8. That's interesting if you're saying that each ABS armor piece is the same size. How can any armor fit properly, then, unless you have the perfect intended body shape/size? Wouldn't a person ordering small look silly, like a child wearing an adult costume...or a 2XL chap wearing something from their youthful and fit high school years?
  9. Edit: Deleted post...format did not transfer, and duplicate information from more recent posts since my browser updated.
  10. I do have another question, this time about the boots. I found this pair for $40 at Zappos, and they look like they would meet specifications. Does anyone have an opinion on these? http://www.zappos.com/giorgio-brutini-conner-black?zlfid=191&ref=pd_es_sims_c Also, has anyone had any luck finding these boots in wide sizes? I've always worn 10.5E boots, but every pair I've come across are all D's. Thank you again...
  11. Hi Kevin, thanks for the info. And yes, I misunderstood Anovos' timeline, and thought they were pressing their white troopers with the shadow. I do believe, though, I saw somewhere of a Spring 2016 timeline, so hoping it ends up closer to there. And yes, the thermo detonators are included, the description of them was included in their last email update. I contacted Anovos about a hovi tip comm system, and they said their hovi tips will be removable, so those comm systems will work with their helmet. I will look into the Evilboy vent system, thank you.
  12. I asked them about replacement parts when I was investigating making the purchase. Currently, they are looking into the prospect of providing the service, with more details to follow. So, I believe they will make them available, once the armor is in full production.
  13. Hello all, I pre-ordered the Anovos Shadow Stormtrooper kit a last month (or so). For reference, here's the link to what I bought. http://www.anovos.com/collections/the-i ... -pre-order It should be shipping around December, but whenever it arrives it arrives. But, I do have some questions prior to it's arrival. The outfit is going to come in vacuformed sheets, so I will be doing all the cutting and assembly (the helmet is the only item that is completed in the shipment). Anovos linked out to a Tested.com video, where those guys are demonstrating the initial process of assembly. Hopefully they will release part II, hehe. Might anyone have any indispensable information for my future endeavor? Will there be any problems getting the Anovos approved, and to what level might it be approved? Anovos doesn't include the Thermal Detonator, so I would be interested in where would be a good place to obtain one. Would lack of the detonator actually prevent approval? I will be interested in configuring some ventilation system in the helmet, and installing a comm system. Where might be a good vendor to obtain those items (I didn't notice this in the other armor threads)? Finally, I ordered a blaster from Quest Design Canada https://www.etsy.com/listing/192791479/star-wars-stormtrooper-e-11-blaster-prop?ref=shop_home_feat_2 That should be shipping in about two weeks. The vendor has stated that his blasters have obtained level two certifications from the 501st, just looking for opinions on that fact. The blaster does look like a good quality replica. Thanks in advance, and looking forward to trooping.
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