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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by pm07

  1. Mark, they appear to be on several from what I can tell.
  2. So maybe every belt has them? I pulled this from a screen cap and it looks like he has them also.
  3. Mark, Are you thinking the belt lines need to be mandatory? I know we see them on the Officer, and Casian, but its hard to discern them on the NCOs.
  4. Agree with Tj on this ref the belt lines. You can see them clearly in the close up of the belt boxes you posted.
  5. If you look a couple of posts up, I reposted a screenshot of a Aldhani trooper belt box wise.
  6. This may sound stupid but can we not make the belt part read something like "Belt should sit between the bottom edge of the armor and the top edge of the bottom pocket" or something like that. We see from the screencaps that depending on the body type, some are wearing their belt right at the bottom edge of the armor. Others are wearing it right at the top edge of the bottom pocket. Different body styles, maybe some tunics didn't have belt hooks etc. would cause this variation.
  7. The boxes look more green/grey than any brushed silver/aluminum, especially when you see them near the buckle as in this screen shot.
  8. Do we have a visual verification of the u-shaped adjustment notch that we can see? I know Fraser said that they are on the original gloves but not all smooth leather gloves will necessarily have them?
  9. Will the striped version will be listed under optional accessories?
  10. We need to make sure we are only using the Aldhani Troopers for the references here, even though we know that most likely, it is the same armor used for the Ferrix versions. That helps keep it on track for David, this coming from the King of random jumping ahead of everything posts. lol My thinking is that once the CRL is done for the Adhani, then we can work on the Ferrix ISB Enforcement Trooper.
  11. If this helps, I remember them saying that the props/unis were made in the UK and Europe. IIRC they stated that that they would send the various projects out to whomever in the UK/EURo and get them back to finalize. In the UK I am guessing.
  12. So stupid question here, remember I am just a dumb grunt. But how much does the individual color differences in the various tvs and moniiters that we view the screen caps on matter? Could that account for the off-colorish?
  13. Dave , Fraser had stated in another post that the Aldhani trooper were originally supposed to have the shin armor but when they arrived for shooting. "apparently we were meatn to have the shin greaves but they had broke loads of them ny the time they came to film in scotland"
  14. On a separate note, we know why no shin armor on the Aldhani guys. Fraser wasn't kidding when he said some got broke. LOL
  15. I was just thinking if we need to put something in there about slight weathering being an option. I know how some GML get. ?
  16. Looking closely at the 'silver' buckles, I see flecks of black. Where they black and then weathered silver or vice versa?
  17. Dave, Are you going to specify the arm pocket location. 'In line with the top edge of the front top pockets' etc or something similar like that? To set a standard so we don't have pockets at varying heights?
  18. Yeah I brought this up because Jim's 1st practice/sample tunic, the pocket did not go all the way down. Specifying it may help manufacturers that want to make them to the CRL standards .
  19. David, on the lower pockets are you going to specify length of the pockets bottom from the bottom edge? Looking at the pictures/show, the lower pockets bottom edge are almost at the bottom edge of the tunic.
  20. Interesting that the buckles are visible on these chin straps but not on the ones form the robbery planet. Maybe we need to start a thread for the black uniform troopers separately. Or will they be considered IOC since I am assuming ISB Security forces?
  21. @TeaJay TJ, Here you go . The non armored trooper uses them at the minimum, besides the Officers.
  22. Courtesy of Sheeve's. The tunics use British Army tunic hooks to hold the belts in place. https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/546-1550WP?R=1550WPvirtualkey54600000virtualkey546-1550WP here is an option for belt boxes in various sizes.
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