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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by pm07

  1. Sizing is pretty spot on. You see how adult sized I am ETA: I went with chest size not waist size. I wish I would have bought 2 when they were on clearance. Yes we used the extra leg material. Still no word on approval
  2. David, Sweet. He told me he was looking at it a couple of weeks ago. I think I confused rhe Crap put of him sending the wrong pics first. I sent the SW:E pics but the link for the 'current crl. I agree, I need to adjust it down. I want to do away with the rear tri-glides for the SW:E version but Im waiting to make any adjustments until I hear back on the 'original' IAT version. The coverall is Elbeco Transcon jumpsuit
  3. There was a post on one of the Mudtroopers groups that a member talked to the costume guy in person. He said the tunic was a custom sewn up job.
  4. I used some old military pads I had laying around.
  5. Canon wise, there is a TK in Star Wars , A New Hope to you kids , that has his holster on the right side.
  6. Its nice to find a use for them after all these years. LOL The only ones I didn't aready have was the cuff case and 3-ak .
  7. Yeah I accidently confused the heck out of the GML when he saw the current standard I had linked for him. LOL I resent the correct pics to him today to match the current IAT.
  8. Any progress is good progress I have everything for the current engineer just getting pockets sewn on the legs
  9. It is. The SW:E version
  10. I like the way you think, I have 4 of those ready to go into pouches.
  11. That sucks that those are the only pics in the book
  12. I'm assuming that Trooperbay's MP40 pouches will be acceptable?
  13. Here is the link https://www.sportsma...s-new?a=2063408
  14. Update: SE-14 will not fit. Nor E-11, DH-17 or any other blasters I have. I'm going to use it as a pattern to build one.
  15. So glad I wasn't the only one that giggles when I read butt pocket. LOL
  16. Great minds think alike Chris. For those in the US , Sportsman Guide carries these.
  17. Thought I would post my WIP since Im making progress. I may need more pouches. WTF Helmet Finishing the coverall Basic harness Goggles boot, blasters and gloves already have
  18. This may work for the harness pouch also once you sand off the manufactures logo
  19. I'm not sure of the dimensions on Matt's electobino's but there are several products that may work for the pouch size wise speaking. Blue Force Gear, Blackhawk and several other companies make a medium horizontal utility pouch. Something like this
  20. Got it thanks. Now to add cargo pockets to my coveralls
  21. This is one of my old ICOM pouches. It fits the shoulder pouch pretty closely I think.
  22. So on the engineer, the update on 3/26 says 'removed large front pockets'. Which pockets is that referring to, the top/shirt pockets or the cargo pockets?
  23. That's the same jumpsuit OD green wise I'm using.
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