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501st SpecOps[TX]
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darthRivera last won the day on February 16 2024

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About darthRivera

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  • TotM Datestamp
    Oct 2021

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    Costa Rica

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  1. If there is a chance to check this it would be great and tell me where I should go. But I admit that I would like the character to remain in this detachment. Rules are rules. Of course there is no rush.
  2. In the character description, reading that he is an elite TK made me think he was a SpecOps, like Task Force 99, they are an elite stormtrooper squadron. But I could be wrong. @IcyTrooper
  3. Hi everyone, me again. I was going to post this on the FISD Detachment forum, but while creating the post, I thought it should be better here. Years ago I had my eye on this character from the Force Arena game: TK-7193 Well my question is simple, if I built this suit, would it be possible to create a CRL for this character? It has similarities with the TFU TK which already has a CRL in FISD, but we have some differences in the handplates, shoulders,boots, thermal detonator, "ear" painting, battle damage and of course the black pauldron. Anyway, I have the 3D model available directly from the game as a reference and it would be a simple project compared to Sergeant Kreel. I just need to know if I create this suit, the CRL would be possible.
  4. I used a Ben Kenobi saber, then I made physical modifications, so there is no 3d file, sorry.
  5. I have an unassembled clone armor kit.? There would be no problem using the regular clone parts for this build?
  6. I didn't think this would happen, but yes. A figure of Kreel. Take my money Hasbro https://hasbropulse.com/collections/star-wars-the-black-series/products/star-wars-the-black-series-sergeant-kreel
  7. Excellent news, thanks for the work. Estoy muy agradecido, por el tiempo y esfuerzo. ?
  8. This is one of the reasons I think the ab is hard armor. In my opinion it makes no sense to have a kidney plate and ab with soft material. Thinking about the character, it would be a weak point for him. And thinking about reality, the suit would not look very good. If there was no kidney plate, as in other versions of the character, it would be very different, I would buy the idea that it is soft material. But again, it's just my opinion. To follow the standards, and knowing this armor is a TK armor. it would be good to maintain that requirement.
  9. In my opinion I do not see anything that indicates that the ab is made of soft material.
  10. I agree with you. If I separate the ab and cod from my suit, and take pictures, it will look exactly the same as it is right now. Something similar happens with realistic clonetrooper armors
  11. And if that area points to the circle, is it just the shadow of the belt?
  12. Sounds good to me. Are you going to include that in the CRL before publishing it?
  13. Looks great.? Good progress, this project is more complicated than Sergeant Kreel, the references are more limited, but you are doing very well.
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